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Hold fast, all!" screamed the professor, desperately striving to regain full command of their air-ship. "The tiller is jammed, but "

Already the truck was climbing the last steep pitch to the top of the hogback. The tall man in the black slicker and mask now quickly stepped forth from the edge of the timber. The watcher above saw his right hand and arm whip out level with his shoulders. There was a glint of morning sunlight and dull metal. The truck came to a jarring stop as the driver jammed on the brakes.

But that, too, had jammed. At last, by pushing hard against it, she succeeded in raising it far enough to let her peer out over the flat roof. There, in the moonlight, she saw a strange-looking creature, a man, who rolled and ambled rather than walked; he was leading a white horse by the bit, and the horse was dragging the "saloon" down the road. The man was a truly terrifying spectacle.

She was carried in by a terrific sea, and jammed on the stones at the foot of a cliff. The captain's wife and child were lashed to the mast, and the captain himself was made fast somewhere; all the other poor souls were washed overboard. No boat could live in the breakers; no rocket was handy. But a sailor called Matthews got some friends to lower him down the face of the scarp.

Although completely water-logged, yet, as her masts had gone by the board, she rose, after a minute, heavily from the sea, and, staggering awhile beneath the immense pressure of the tempest, finally righted. By what miracle I escaped destruction, it is impossible to say. Stunned by the shock of the water, I found myself, upon recovery, jammed in between the stern-post and rudder.

Those who fell were trampled to death, and often those in front were so jammed by the pressure, that their arms were useless, and they could do nought but grasp at each other's throats, until a blow or a bayonet thrust from behind robbed one or other of his adversary.

Mary met the poor woman carrying her babies in the box on her head. The screaming, howling crowd of people were following her. "Go back! Go back to your village," Mary told the crowd. Then turning to the woman she said, "Give me the box and come with me to my house." When Mary opened the box, she found one child dead. The baby's head had been smashed when it was jammed into the box.

The street crossing at Broadway and Twenty-third Street was jammed with a string of delivery waggons from the department stores whose growth had crushed a hundred small trades.

And the men left their spike poles sticking in, all around, and jammed the other ends into the ground to hold the big pole up straight while they filled in the dirt around it. David had been watching the men all the time, but he was careful not to get near, because he had seen how the big pole bounced around when it was unloaded.

Miss Prentiss spread out her hands with a sigh of content. "Not that I'm interfered with ever," she added, reproaching herself, "but now well, I'm it." She rose swiftly and turned up the steps. In the wide doorway stood Grandfather McBride, stick in hand, hat jammed down, and in his mouth, at a defiant angle, a battered black pipe.