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"But didn't you try to locate him?" asked Tom. "Didn't he have some companions some one who could tell what became of him?" "Of course I tried!" exclaimed Mr. Preston. "Do you think I'd let a man like Jake disappear without making some effort to find him? But he was the only white man in his party, the rest were natives. That was Jake's way.

Jake's stock of patience was practically limitless, and he and Toby had always had a certain comradeship between them. But when she grew calmer at last he began to talk in the quiet, direct fashion habitual to him. "Say now! You've had a bit of a facer over this. But you needn't be frightened. You're safe enough from that damned Italian anyway.

She snatched a white garment off the clothes-line, darted through the barnyard, and ran at top speed down the back lane toward the track, waving it on high, all unconscious that it was Jake's white mill overalls. Close upon her flying footsteps came the orphan-adopting expedition: Mrs.

Jake's at the side window, and he had to get out of Mobile because he was too handy with his gun. Not often had to pull mine, but I can shoot some." "Quit talking!" Kit rejoined, and his mouth set firm when the figure vanished. He thought the rebels meant to surround the building. If so, they were probably numerous, and the rifle shot some hours before justified the supposition.

He had gone no one knew whither. The committee told the inspector all about Jake, gave him a minute description of him, of his ways, his gait, and his clothes, and went home feeling that they had been wondrous smart in putting so sharp a man on the track he would never have thought of if they hadn't mentioned Jake's name.

But developments are imminent, and I want you to watch your father closely, and endeavor to ascertain Jake's attitude toward him. This is my fear that Jake may put some nefarious scheme, as regards him, into operation; such schemes as we cannot anticipate. He may even try to silence me, or make me ineffective in some way before such time comes along. He may adopt some way of getting rid of me "

But the game-keeper only laughed roughly. "That won't do you no good, my boy. You'd better own up and take your medicine. Here, see this, General." He plunged his hands into Jake's pockets, and produced the wire and other materials Jake had used in making his snare. "I guess that's pretty good evidence, ain't it, sir?" "It is, indeed," said the general, grimly. "Take him up to the house, Tyler.

Jake even closed down his operations during the calculated danger periods, but he made sure to tell Jimmy Holden why. From school-closing to dinnertime Jimmy was allowed to do as he pleased. He found it hard to enjoy playing with his contemporaries, and Jake's explanation about dangerous times warned Jimmy against joining Moe and his little crew of thieves.

"Fo' de Lawd, I knows dat, an' I thank'ee, Mas'r, for sayin' dem words by de grave whar mabby she done har'em; thank'ee." The tears were in Jake's eyes, as he grasped the Colonel's hand and looked into the face which had relaxed from its sternness, and was quivering in every muscle.

He crawled out of the water, and after he got his breath, he said, "I got caught, down there, in the top of an old tree." "Didn't I tell you so?" Dave shouted into Jake's ear. "Why, Jake was there till I got loose," said Frank, looking stupidly at him. "No, I wasn't," said Jake. "I was up long ago, and I was just goin' to dive for you; so was Dave." "Then it was that other fellow," said Frank.