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The northward of the town was no less protected, having at the distance of about two-thirds of a mile the fort of San Jago, mounting five long 18-pounders, besides the tower Almirante.

Gomara relates that in this battle, previous to the arrival of Cortes with the cavalry, one of the holy apostles, either St Jago or Peter, appeared on a dapple-grey horse under the semblance of Francisco de Morla.

Now was the time to speak; and, assembling his men around him, Amyas opened his whole heart, simply and manfully. This was their only hope of safety. Some of them had murmured that they should perish like John Oxenham's crew. This plan was rather the only way to avoid perishing like them. Don Guzman would certainly return to seek them; and not only he, but land-forces from St. Jago.

Jago de Cuba, a town upon Cuba, but our coming hindered him without whom we could not well tell how to do anything." In January 1656 the plan was definitely abandoned, because the colony could not spare a sufficient number of soldiers for the enterprise. It was to St. Jago that the Spaniards, driven from Jamaica, mostly betook themselves, and from St.

There is much resemblance in structure and in geological history between St. Helena, St. Jago, and Mauritius. These mountains have, or apparently once had, their escarpments steep towards the interior of the island, and their strata dip outwards.

In spite of this desultory and uncombined opposition from the natives, Valdivia traversed the provinces of Copaipo, Coquimbo, Quillota, and Melipilla, with Very little loss though much harassed, and arrived in the province of Mapocho, now called St Jago. This province, which is more than 600 miles from the confines of Peru, is one of the pleasantest and most fertile in the kingdom.

Jago, and at them! It was answered by the battle cry of every Spaniard in the city, as rushing from the avenues of the great halls in which they were concealed, they poured into the Plaza, horse and foot, and threw themselves into the midst of the Indian crowd.

George, do not wish to be a sailor: remember Frederic Hamilton. The next islands we come in sight of are Cape Yerd Islands near Africa. They were discovered in 1446 by the Portuguese, their present proprietors; they are remarkably fertile. St. Jago is the largest, and is the residence of the Portuguese viceroy." CHARLES. "May we now steer north, and call at the Azores or Western Isles?

Even in this war, Curignancu availed himself of the assistance of these mountaineers to harass the Spanish possessions in the neighbourhood of St Jago. Since that time, the Pehuenches frequently attack the Spanish caravans between Buenos Ayres and Chili, and almost every year furnishes some melancholy events of that kind.

The weather had been very squally, and we thought it probable she might have got to leeward. The following morning we spoke an American brig from St. Jago, who informed us that she had passed a Spanish schooner laden with tobacco at anchor at the mouth of the river. We stood in, and discovered the ship with the glass.