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It seems so coxcomblike, so like what our friend Leandro would say; but I may say it to you. The fact is, I have a kind of idea that that poor Bianca was inclined to like me. She cried when I told her- " "Aha, j'y suis! Now I begin to be able to fathom the depth of a woman's generosity.

She was as she had been J'y suis! J'y reste! when the captain of engineers had pleaded with her at the outset of the war to leave the house. In the reflection of the mirror Marta's glance caught hers, which was without reproach or complaint, but very resolute. "Do you like best to keep it all to yourself, Marta?" Mrs. Galland inquired solicitously. "What? Keep what?" asked Marta crossly.

For example, we talked about Metternich and Cardinal Mazarin. "J'y trouve beaucoup a redire. Le Cardinal trompait; mais il ne mentait pas. Or, M. de Metternich ment toujours, et ne trompe jamais." He mentioned M. de St. Aulaire, now one of the most distinguished public men of France. I said: "M. de Saint-Aulaire est beau-pere de M. le duc de Cazes, n'est-ce pas?"

The following letter was written on his first journey to London for the "Saturday Review ": "CHERE PETITE FEMME, Me voici installe dans un fort joli appartement tout pres de chez Mr. Mackay, a une guinee par semaine; j'y suis tout-a-fait bien. "Samedi dernier je suis alle d'abord chez Mr.

8 mars. Je vous remercie de votre sympathie, my dear Sir. J'y comptais. Vous etes un des anciens temoins de ma vie et de mon bonheur. Il a ete grand; mais le bonheur se paye. Je me soumets douloureusement mais sans murmure. La vie est ainsi faite. C'est pour mon gendre Cornelis de Witt que je ressens une pitie profonde.

J'y suis, j'y reste was the answer of the Turks to the demand to evacuate Adrianople. The recapture of that city had been a godsend to the Young Turk party. The Treaty of London had destroyed what little influence it had retained after the defeat of the armies, and it grasped at the seizure of Adrianople as a means of awakening enthusiasm and keeping office.

"Yes, that you can be one of us." "Can that be true?" "It is!" The Master's right hand closed firmly on Leclair's. The Master's other hand went out and gripped him by the shoulder. To his feet sprang the Frenchman. Though still shaken and trembling, he drew himself erect. His right hand loosened itself from the Master's; it went to his aviator's helmet in a sharp salute. "J'y suis!

Margaret would have taken the proud dark head to her breast, but Helen's voice came faintly, "J'y suis, j'y reste. Be very good to Bryde, Margaret, ma belle, while he is with you you bring him peace and a great contentment and a so great calm." I wonder could she be smiling. "When he come to me he will 'ave no great calm no great contentment only only a great love." So passed that proud spirit.

"Begob!" says O'Flynn, stretching out his interminable legs; "ye can't say we haven't hearrd Glad Tidings of gr-reat j'y " "Colonel," interrupts the Boy, throwing the Programme in the fire, "let's look at your nugget again." And they all took turns. Except Potts. He was busy digging the remaining gold-grains out of the crack and the knothole. " giver mig Rum! Himlen bar Stjerner Natten er stum."

"There's music for ye; there's j'y. I never hear a lark but it takes me back to London to Lime'us, to Giles's Rents, down by the River." "Pray, why?" inquired Barnabas, still a trifle haughtily. "Because it's so different; there ain't much j'y, no, nor yet music in Giles's Rents, down by the River." "Rather an unpleasant place!" said Barnabas. "Unpleasant, young sir.