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'I'm for fair play wi' the French as much as any man, as long as we can be sure o' beating them; but, I say, make sure o' that, and then give them ivery advantage.

Jim said that was tough; he says it's back-breakin' work; that quarryin' an' cuttin' ain't nothin' to that ten hours a day, too. My heart's like to break for Mrs. Googe. I think of it ivery time I see her now; an' just look how she's workin' her fingers to the bone to support herself widout help! Mrs.

Ah, but it was the harrt-rendin' scene, with not a house nor a home fer him to come till, an' him sendin' the money ivery month to pay fer it. But where it's gone, it's not fer me to say.

After a pause she said: "And, Mary, who are the other young ladies we call the Prince's cousins Miss Lucy, Miss Julia and the rest?" "Ivery one of them's the same. It's just as I told Hannah, the cook's scullion; I didn't belave ye knew a word of what was going on in this house.

You may go dancin' along t' first; the last is often varry narrow and steep." "But one can't help wondering why." "If it wasn't narrow, and varry narrow, too, Miss Hallam, fenced in, and watchmen set all along it, we'd be strayin' far and near, and ivery one o' us going our own way.

It was a new Ivery who confronted her, a man with vigour and purpose in every line of him and the quiet confidence of power. He spoke with a serious courtesy. 'The time for make-believe is past, he was saying. 'We have fenced with each other. I have told you only half the truth, and you have always kept me at arm's length.

It's a sair thing that, gentlemen, to ha' to fight the battle o' life alane: no one to pat ye on th' back, no one to say 'Weel done. It hardly gies a man a chance. For gin he does try and yet fails, men never mind the tryin', they only mark the failin'." "I dinna blame ye. There's somethin' bred in me, it seems, as sets ivery one agin me.

She was a little puzzled by it, for she had not yet had a word from Ivery, to whom she had written twice by the roundabout address in France which Bommaerts had given her. She did not believe that he would come to Italy in the ordinary course of things, and she wondered at Blenkiron's certainty about the date.

I had walked straight into a trap and all retreat was cut off. My mind was beginning to work more clearly, though my purpose was still vague. I wanted to get at Ivery and I believed that he was somewhere in front of me. And then I thought of the door which led from the chamber where I had been imprisoned. If I could enter that way I would have the advantage of surprise.

"Howiver, shoo niver clapped een on me wheer I was sittin' behind t' stone. Shoo were thrang wi' t' birds were Janet, an' gettin' more excited ivery minute.