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It would honestly be a favor if you'd take it off my hands." Henrietta swept on her a look of incredulous delight. "Cally!... Why, you good old bluffer! You know perfectly well that suit's a beauty, as good as new " "No, oh, no! Indeed, it isn't," said Cally, quite eagerly. "You've forgotten it's worn, oh, quite badly worn. I'll show you to-night when you come.

"It was your duty to have stood by Captain Manvers and his officers; by which you would have earned their eternal gratitude, and a handsome provision from the owners of the vessel." "It's no use talking of these things now, Mr Evelyn," said Gough, hurriedly. "I have taken my course. It is too late to turn back.

I had a letter from Beatrice the next morning. Mine was a real murmur. It's been coming on for some time, but not on your account. It's murmuring for Basil Fludger. He's on leave, and we fixed things up last Tuesday. I didn't tell you when I met you, because I was afraid you wouldn't want to take me to lunch, and I did enjoy it. Yours ever, BEATRICE.

I couldn't think of taking your order. I didn't mean to ask it any more than I meant to ask mother. It's habit, and that's what I'm afraid of. I'd better not intrude." The lady evidently did not agree with him. He amused her because he was what she called a "type," and she was always on the lookout for "types."

"She won't want me to have the other girls in here to play up in the attic, and she doesn't believe in eating cookies between meals!" "It's going to be awful terrible!" exclaimed Bert. "I know what I'm going to do!" he declared desperately. "What?" asked Nan, in a frightened sort of voice. "I'm going to run away, like Mr. Hickson's boys did!" Bert went on.

She still felt "deathly sick; all undone." That is the kind of thing to-day. Knowledge, stark truth children must have in stark truth all the knowledge there is on all the things that come about them. It's strange; yes, it is strange.

They've got it here in Carlsbad, already, just the right sort of thing, and it works. I been lookin' into it, and I got this young man, yonder" he twisted his hand in the direction of the one-spanner! "to help me put it in shape. I believe it's going to make our folks think, the best ones among them. Here!"

It's just like Lion's Head, the way I've seen it, day in and day out, every summer since I come here thirty-five years ago; it's beautiful!" "Mrs. Durgin," said Westover, "you gratify me more than I can tell you. I wish I wish I could let you have the picture. I I don't know what to say " "Why don't you let me have it, then?

"I drove to the apartment," she cried, greatly excited and sympathetic, "but they told me you had gone out. Oh, I was glad to hear it. Then I knew it wasn't so serious. For, somehow, I feel guilty about it. It never would have happened if you hadn't met me." "I'm sure it's worth more than it cost," I replied gallantly. She turned toward Kennedy. "I'm positively frightened," she exclaimed.

She sat hunched up on the stones, her arms round her knees, smoking. "It's such a lovely day," said Beryl, smiling down at her. "Oh my dear!" Mrs. Harry Kember's voice sounded as though she knew better than that. But then her voice always sounded as though she knew something better about you than you did yourself. She was a long, strange-looking woman with narrow hands and feet.