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I used to think if I lived till he was a man I would tell him; and maybe you will do it after I am dead. He is coming here to-morrow, you say, and Burton; but Burton isn't like Grey. He is proud and worldly, and a little hard, I am afraid; but the boy, tell him how I love him; try to make him understand, and when he comes to-morrow maybe he will kiss me again. It will be for the last time.

"Here! don't touch that, you fool!" shouted the captain to one of the hands, who was drinking from the scuttle but. "That water's rotten!" "Beg pardon, sir," replied the man. "Tastes quite sweet." "Let me see," returned Nares, and he took the dipper and held it to his lips. "Yes, it's all right," he said. "Must have rotted and come sweet again. Queer, isn't it, Mr. Dodd?

When he again found privacy convenient, however which happened to be long in coming he took up their conversation very much where it had dropped. "You see, my dear, if I shall be able to go to you at your father's it yet isn't at all the same thing for Mrs. Beale to come to you here."

"There's a fair sailing wind." "Isn't it strange" Betty Dalrymple, speaking half to herself, regarded the motionless form in the bottom of the boat "that she, of all persons, and I, should be thus thrust together, in such a tiny craft, on such an enormous sea?" "I really couldn't help it, Mademoiselle" apologetically "bringing her with us. There was no alternative."

"Five days isn't much difference," urged Lucy mournfully. "And when Evelyn's going right over the same road almost to our home, I should think she'd like to go when we do, if it did cut off a little. She's been here all winter." "So have you, Lu, and you don't want to go," Charlotte reminded her.

But I haven't seen him since he was in your camp. I wish I did have him now. I'd make him step lively, and do some work!" So Mr. Brown had his trip for nothing. Tom was not at the Trimble farm, that was sure. "I guess he ran away from you the same as he did from me," said Mr. Trimble as Mr. Brown turned away. Bunny's father shook his head. "Tom Vine isn't that kind of boy," he said.

Berry and her friend Ethel Curtis were talking about a sailing party which they had planned for the next day. "The Grays and the Halletts, and Julia Prime, that makes seven; mamma for matron, eight; then there's Tom and George Rivington, and the two Fosters. I can't think where we are to get the other three men." "It isn't like a dinner party.

"Where?" said Carrie, following his eyes. "Over there in the corner way over. Do you see that brooch?" "Isn't it large?" said Carrie. "One of the largest clusters of jewels I have ever seen," said Ames. "It is, isn't it?" said Carrie.

An' that thought is tearin' at me heart this minnit." "It isn't THAT, Frank," she said, faintly. "Then what is it?" "Oh," she cried, "I hoped it would be so different so very different." "What did ye think would be so different, dear? Our going back? Is that what's throublin' ye?" "No, Frank. Not that. I don't care how we go back so long as you are with me." He pressed her hand.

But thou'll be wanting to see t' lass, a'll be bound. An oud man like me isn't as good company as a pretty lass. Laughing a low rich laugh over his own wit, Daniel went to the bottom of the stairs, and called, 'Sylvie, Sylvie! come down, lass! a's reet; come down! For a time there was no answer. Then a door was unbolted, and Sylvia said, 'I can't come down again.