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When I seen 'em, right away my heart just stopped." "Sh-h-h! Yes two men had the books." "And Uncle Isadore Uncle Isadore he was he " "Go on!" "He he was in the cage, too; and and you know how he looks when his eyes get little." "Yes, yes, Izzy." "They were expert accountants with him. All day yesterday, Sunday, they were on my books; and and they had me, Renie they had me like a rat in a trap."

"And we sure were surprised when we saw that arrow shoot up from the depths," said Isadore. "What do you suppose mother will say?" cried one of the Tingley boys. "Don't let's tell her," suggested Ruth, quickly. "There's no need. It will only add to her worries and she will be troubled enough by us as it is." "But " "You see, I'm not a bit hurt," insisted Ruth.

Where are the babies, and what have you done with Miss Young?" "The brothers-in-law are all right. They will be back presently. There is a round-up to-day, which was the reason we sent Isadore in with the carriage; no one else could be spared. The babies are having their supper, you will see them anon, and Imogen has gone for a fortnight to St. Helen's." "Oh!"

But one thought comforts me," he continued: "if I had been living in that cot with my wife I would not have had the stomach-ache; so that balances things somewhat." The lady smiled. "The next morning a little after eight o'clock I came down to open the house, and there, standing by the porch, hat in hand, I saw Isadore.

"Here's old Bobbins and Busy Izzy!" he cried, seeing Bob Steele and his sister, with Isadore Phelps, pacing the long platform as the car halted. Bob Steele was a big, yellow-haired boy, rosy cheeked and good-natured, but not a little bashful. As Madge, his sister, was a year and a half older than Bob she often treated him like a very small boy indeed.

He handed them a card which read: "ISADORE LE DRIEUX Importer of Pearls and Precious Stones 36 Maiden Lane, New York City." "I have connections abroad, in nearly all countries," continued the man, "and it is through some of them that I have knowledge of this young fellow who has taken the name of A. Jones. In fact, I have a portrait of the lad, taken in Paris, which I will show you."

Then suddenly, because he could escape no other way, rushed straight back for his dressing-room, bursting in upon a flood of family already there: Isadore Kantor, blue-shaved, aquiline, and already graying at the temples; his five-year-old son, Leon; a soft little pouter-pigeon of a wife, too, enormous of bust, in glittering ear-drops and a wrist watch of diamonds half buried in chubby wrist; Miss Esther Kantor, pink and pretty; Rudolph; Boris, not yet done with growing-pains.

After that we'll give you some if you're good." "Huh!" grunted Isadore. "I guess I know a trick worth two of that. We'll get our share, fellows," and he winked at Tom and Bob. The three boys stuck to their work, with only a whisper or two, until there was a great bowl of nutmeats, and Ruth pronounced the quantity sufficient.

Some of the party were, as Ann said, "yawning their heads off." Lluella and Heavy had camped down upon the old buffalo-robe before the fire and were already more than half asleep. "I do wish they'd come back," muttered Bob Steele to Isadore Phelps. "We can't tell in here whether the storm has stopped, or not.

The column itself is decorated with the spiral ascending motive of the Ship of Life, while at the base Isadore Konti expresses the striving for achievement in four well modeled panels of huge scale, representing human life in its progressive stages, showing men and women in attitudes of hope and despair, of strength and weakness, in the never ending task of trying to realize human destiny.