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It is really irritating to discover them to be pieces of machinery, that for want of proper oiling, creak, stick, threaten convulsions, and are tragic and stir us the wrong way. However, champagne does them good: an admirable wine a sure specific for the sex! He searched around for the keys to get at a bottle and uncork it forthwith.

Her sister-in-law had rather an irritating effect upon her, of which she was a little ashamed, and whenever she had spoken sharply, which she did occasionally, she was ready to atone for it by doing some extra service, so that, on the whole, the pretty little widow got a good deal more out of her sister than out of her mother-in-law.

Therewith he made his exit, and went home to write the foregoing sketch of the scene. Certainly throughout so irritating an interview he had conducted himself with creditable self-restraint and moderation, yet with his closing sentence he had sent home a dart which rankled.

"And the most irritating part of it," said Stephen, with an insight which had sometimes visited him in the trenches, "is that it gets what it deserves because it can always have whatever it wants even the truth and honest government."

It simply meant that Angel must undertake the mission, while I kicked my heels in the schoolroom. He undertook it with a careless alacrity that was very irritating to one who longed to finish, in his own fashion, an undertaking that had, so far, been carried on with masterly diplomacy.

Oatmeal comes the nearest to wheat in the amount of nitrogen or protein, but the digestible part of this is much smaller than in wheat, and the indigestible portion is decidedly irritating to the bowels, so that if used in excess of about one-fifth of our total starch-food required, it is likely to upset the digestion. Rye.

Nor is that the hardest thing love has to do. There come times when, because nobody is always good, and most of us are often bad, love has to face the plain fact of sin in the loved object. At such times to approve is impossible, and would be a real disloyalty. To break out into mere reproaches is futile and irritating. To do nothing is to let a seed of separation sink into the common life.

There was an echo from a building across the inlet an insulting echo which repeated the phrase, or rather the last three letters of the last word in an irritating fashion. "I feel like one," said Mr. Daddles, "but I don't like to be told so by a blooming old echo." Then we all stood and looked at one another, and wondered what we should do. "Friendless and alone, in a strange place," said Mr.

Miss Melhuish herself told me that you and she had separated by mutual consent." "Allow me to emulate your candor. The actual fact is that you weaned my wife's affections from me." "That is a downright lie," said Grant coolly. Ingerman's peculiar temperament permitted him to treat this grave insult far more lightly than Grant's harmless, if irritating, reference to the police.

His busy brain was working out a new scheme for solving this irritating problem. "I'm going to give him a little more time to think things over," he said, curtly. He went back to his chair. "Perhaps he'll get to understand the importance of what we've been saying pretty soon." He scowled at Dick.