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Agesilaus, irritated with this proposal, told them in scorn, that if they were anxious to go and see how proud their friends were of their success, they should do it tomorrow with safety.

"No," she returned impressively, "we have come to tell you of our failure." Her manner was trying. It irritated her host still further. "How so?" he demanded. She measured him with a severe gaze. "Calvin, you are wearing your hat," she announced frigidly. "Eh? Oh! Pardon me." With hasty discomfiture the lawyer deposited his boon companion on the table.

He returned to France, and became very intimate with Barnave; he entreated the Constituent Assembly to apply the principles of liberty to the colonies, and not to make any exception to Divine law, by leaving the slaves to their masters; excited and irritated by the hesitation of the committee, who withdrew with one hand what it gave with the other, he declared that if justice could not suffice for their cause, he would appeal to force.

So fixed was his mind on the stern exigency of the situation, as it now stood, that her disobedience in itself irritated him. The right of decision, as he reasoned, had passed out of her hands into his. He was, in a sense, holding the converging lines of all this sudden confusion; he was her commanding officer.

Her very dress irritated Lawrence, as if he had seen a fine painting in a tawdry frame, or a pearl of price foiled by a spurious setting. He had not felt any glow at all, and was left to suppose his fancy had played him a trick.

Handkerchiefs were waved. The President began ringing his bell with all his might. He was obviously irritated by the behavior of the audience, but did not venture to clear the court as he had threatened. Even persons of high position, old men with stars on their breasts, sitting on specially reserved seats behind the judges, applauded the orator and waved their handkerchiefs.

"'Well, then, as it is quite dark now, you ought not to be more strict about the rest than you are about your mouth. "She seemed irritated, wounded, and offended, and replied with an amount of pride that I had never noticed in her before: "'If an Arab girl were to allow herself to be touched by a Roumi during the Ramadan, she would be cursed for ever.

They spoke no treason, and they ought to be more prudent if they told secrets: it was a real benefit to a lonely wight, a little irritated in nerve and temper, to be a party to their lively, affectionate, simple intercourse; and, as the truth must be told, the lady in the Nankin sitting-room crossed her hands with a motion of indolent interest and turned her head with an air of listless pleasure, nodding and beating her foot lightly on the floor now and then, in interjection and commentary.

He held up the shell-case. "If a fellow could only forget what the damned things are for!" "They are to help to end the war," said Clayton, crisply. "Don't forget that, boy." And went back to his steady dictation. Graham went out of the building into the mill yard. The noise always irritated him. He had none of Clayton's joy and understanding of it.

When by these expostulations they rather irritated the dictator against themselves, than appeased his anger against the master of the horse, the lieutenants-general were ordered to go down from the tribunal; and after several vain attempts were made to procure silence by means of a crier, the noise and tumult being so great that neither the voice of the dictator himself, nor that of his apparitors, could be heard; night, as in the case of a battle, put an end to the contest.