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Stephen White absolutely hated ugliness. It did not merely irritate and depress him, as it does everybody of fine fastidiousness: he hated not only the sight of it, he hated it with a sort of unreasoning vindictiveness. If it were a picture, he wanted to burn the picture, cut it, tear it, trample it under foot, get it off the face of the earth immediately, at any cost or risk.

For a moment she paused, and then added softly, "It was all so different, they say, when the Jordans were living." Again the phrase which had begun to irritate him! Who were these dead and gone Jordans whose beneficent memory still inhabited the house they had built? "I don't think my mother would care for such stories," he replied after a minute. "She has never mentioned them in her letters."

The people that irritate me most are those esthetes of the Ruskin school, for whom everything is religious: having money, buying jewels, blowing one's nose... everything is religious. Vulgar creatures, lackeys that they are!" "My brother is a demagogue," said Laura ironically. "Yes," added Kennedy; "he doesn't like categories." "But each thing has its value whether he likes it or not."

'My love! said Lady Annabel, one day to her daughter, 'do you think you could go out? The physicians think it of great importance that you should attempt to exert yourself, however slightly. 'Dear mother, if anything could annoy me from your lips, it would be to hear you quote these physicians, said Venetia. 'Their daily presence and inquiries irritate me. Let me be at peace.

When Alexander Abraham was able to sit up, he began to make up for the time he'd lost being pleasant. Anything more sarcastic than that man in his convalescence you couldn't imagine. I just laughed at him, having found out that that could be depended on to irritate him. To irritate him still further I cleaned the house all over again. But what vexed him most of all was that Mr.

'I shan't say. 'Oh! I know; you're very obstinate. 'Yes, I am. 'And observant. Katya gave Arkady a sidelong look. 'Perhaps so; does that irritate you? What are you thinking of? 'I am wondering how you have come to be as observant as in fact you are. You are so shy so reserved; you keep every one at a distance. 'I have lived a great deal alone; that drives one to reflection.

Lincoln had suggested, and to which he had become strongly attached. On the contrary, Congress had done everything to irritate, where the President wished to do everything to conciliate; Congress made that compulsory which the President hoped to make voluntary. Mr.

If this curiously petulant acknowledgment of an act of politeness was intended to irritate Allan, it failed entirely in accomplishing its object. Instead of being offended with the mother, he sympathized with the daughter. "Poor little thing," was all he said, "she must have a hard life of it with such a mother as that!"

Without anything said or done on my part to irritate him, he suddenly turned to me in a state of furious rage. "Not a sign of sorrow!" he burst out. "Not a blush of shame! Wretch, you stand condemned by the atrocious composure that I see in your face!" A first discovery of the odious suspicion of which I was the object, dawned on my mind at that moment.

It has been seen also that the events connected with the Gigerl's first appearance in the shop had been of a nature to irritate Akulina still more. The dislike nourished in her stout bosom through long months and years now approached the completion of its development, and manifested itself as a form of active hatred.