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One pictures such tenderness and concern as existing between parents and children, but rarely between brothers. Here he was evincing the same thing, as soft as love itself, and he a man of years and some affairs and I an irritable, distrait and peevish soul. Take note, ye men of satire and spleen. All men are not selfish or hard. The final phase of course related to his untimely end.

Francesca was always silent and irritable, lived beside me rather than with me, responded to all my requirements and all my propositions with her perpetual Che mi fa, or with her no less perpetual Mica. My friend became more and more furious, but my only answer was, "You can go if you are tired of staying. I am not detaining you."

Such difficulty is there in managing the irritable self-love of men of letters, and so careful ought every person to be not to leave anything equivocal in the compliments they pay them. Having nothing more to disturb me, I took advantage of my leisure and independence to continue my literary pursuits with more coherence.

This compound was a very unstable compound, just as is a mass of gunpowder, and hence it is highly irritable, also like gunpowder, and any disturbance of its condition produces motion, just as a spark will do in a mass of gunpowder. It is capable of inducing oxidation in foods, something as water induces oxidation in a bit of iron.

The husband, more and more immersed in his business, was absent from home for long periods; irritable after some of these home-comings; boisterously high-spirited following other trips. Now growling about household expenses and unpaid bills; now urging the purchase of some almost prohibitive luxury.

"I am irritable," she said, "from long suffering, I am unsocial from habitual solitude; do not expect from me the fondness and warmth that should belong to our relationship. Do not harass yourself with vain solicitude for one whom all seeming attention but reminds more painfully of infirmity, and who, even thus stricken down, would be independent of all cares not bought and paid for.

Without confessing what was in his mind, each man searched the shore for a tell-tale wisp of smoke. Nothing was to be seen. Each wondered if she were watching him from concealment, laughing in her sleeve. Returning at last, unsatisfied and irritable, a senseless dispute arose at the door over who should be the last to enter.

The disappointment made him irritable and listless, when Galenus had succeeded in curing me so far that I was able to throw away my Crutch; and my limp at least so they tell me is hardly perceptible." "Not at all, most certainly not at all," Melissa sympathetically assured him.

"Dismiss you from my service?" "With your excellenza's permission, yes from your service." The old woman started, clasped her hands tightly upon her fan, and said: "You are irritable, Belotti." "No, Padrona, but I am old and dread the misfortune of being ill in this house." Fraulein Van Hoogstraten shrugged her shoulders and turning to her maid, cried: "The sedan-chair, Denise.

I had scarcely ended the sentence, when the piercing eyes of the lady were anxiously fixed upon mine. After a moment's pause, she exclaimed, "The inference, indeed, is too plain. I know his fate. It has long been foreseen and expected, and I have summoned up my equanimity to meet it. Would to Heaven he may find the calamity as light as I should find it! but I fear his too irritable spirit."