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That first evening of my convalescence we were quite jubilant; but afterwards there were many weary days of weakness, irritability, and ennui on my part, and anxiety and disappointment on my father's. Rubens was a great comfort at this period.

Capes scored back with an uncompromising vigor that was his way of complimenting her intelligence. But this afternoon it discovered an unusual vein of irritability in her. He had been reading Belfort Bax, and declared himself a convert. He contrasted the lot of women in general with the lot of men, presented men as patient, self-immolating martyrs, and women as the pampered favorites of Nature.

It might be a turning-point in the life of the poor girl; and she must overcome all her fears, all her repugnance, and go to her rescue. "Is Helen come?" said Elsie, when she heard, with her fine sense quickened by the irritability of sickness, a light footfall on the stair, with a cadence unlike that of any inmate of the house.

An excellent stimulant to the heart is thyroid secretion or thyroid extract. Theoretically thyroid extracts should be the treatment for a slow-acting heart. It sometimes seems of benefit to these patients, but it often causes such nervous excitation and irritability as to preclude its use.

After a parleying, which she conducted in profile, she turned her full face round, and having shaken her tormentor off, she proceeded slowly towards Amarinth, with an expression of extreme and illimitable irritability. "Children are more lacking in discernment than the beasts of the field," she said, as she came up to him.

You have all been considering what qualities are most necessary in family life and what qualities are most to be deprecated you have, in short, been considering Dr. Johnson's question as to what makes "a clubbable person." I will not take manifest faults like irritability or selfishness we all strive against those, but I would suggest turns of mind that are often not realized as faults:

"I canna see naebody," said Effie, with the hasty irritability which misery had rendered more acute "I canna see naebody, and least of a' her Bid her take care o' the auld man I am naething to ony o' them now, nor them to me."

See also, for other brain troubles: Restlessness; Sleeplessness. Brain Rest. The need for this is often indicated by irritability of temper. This coming on is generally a warning that a period of rest must be taken. An overheated brow is also another indication.

He had the delicacy of organization which is essential to literary genius, but it stopped short of sickliness or irritability. He was sensitive to beauty in all its forms, but was never made unhappy or annoyed by the shadows in the picture of life. He had a happy power of escaping from everything that was distasteful, uncomfortable, and unlovely, and dwelling in regions of sunshine and bloom.

T.F., aged twenty-eight, married five years, two children, complained mainly of headache, occasional dizziness, great irritability, and fatigue, so that quarrels with her husband were very common, though there seemed nothing to quarrel about.