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Was it not because you well knew that I would never consent to subject you to such a penalty? Hasten then, I beseech you, to your father; lay this letter before him; let it inform him of my solemn and irrevocable resolution to sever myself from you forever. But this I will myself do.

Very possibly she would not have said anything had she known all the facts, had she been old enough to realize the significance of that signature her uncle had given the lawyers a few days before. Probably she would have accepted this act of fate as meekly as she had all else in her short life. For it must be clearly understood that the signature was irrevocable.

At this the Grand Duke told me, with renewed gentleness, that he declined to regard my assurance as irrevocable, for it lay in his power to propitiate me by other means. I took my departure with an expression of serious regret that I could not help regarding as fruitless any effort made in the direction contemplated by my patron.

"Yet," pursued he, "there is an even more evil malady than the sorrow of bereavement, and that is remorse. You are both troubled by the bitter memories of an irrevocable past. You did not always love your children, your grandchildren, as you do now that they are both dead and this is the greatest affliction of all."

Her warm invitation to him to call on her possibly to take her again to lunch had borne only Dead Sea fruit. He had accepted her decision regarding the Balls and Cape Cod as final and irrevocable. At least, he had had no intention of ever going back and discussing the suggestion again.

And thus, at the last and supreme moment, to Him it dawned unquestionable and irrevocable. How did He meet it?

How wonderful that this our narrow foothold of the Present should hold its own so constantly, and, while every moment changing, should still be like a rock betwixt the encountering tides of the long Past and the infinite To-come! Man of marble though he was, the sculptor grieved for the Irrevocable.

At first, Lorrimer had rebelled, not realising that Ideala's last decision was irrevocable. "You have over-persuaded her," he said. "No," I answered; "I have convinced her. And I shall convince you, too." He pleaded for her pathetically, not for himself at all. "She has had so little joy!" he said; using the very words that had occurred to me. "And I wanted to silence her.

How different my feelings would have been if after pronouncing that irrevocable judgment, I had recognised one of my vanished darlings one, say, like that child on Cromer Beach, or of dozens of other fairylike little ones I have known and loved, and whose images are enduring and sacred!

Hallin had felt them interesting, sad, and, in a sense, fine; but he had never braced himself to answer them without groans. There were so many other people in the world in the same plight! Nevertheless, all through the growth of friendship one thing had never altered between them from the beginning Hallin's irrevocable judgment of the treatment she had bestowed on Aldous Raeburn.