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Much less had the Spaniards calculated on a night attack, the most favourable of all to the attacking party, as necessitating unity of action and the least favourable of all to the party attacked, as inspiring doubt and panic, almost certain to end in irresolution and defeat.

"Yes, but to yield!" said Porthos. "That IS difficult," replied Athos. D'Artagnan comprehended their irresolution. "Try me, gentlemen," said he, "and I swear to you by my honor that I will not go hence if we are conquered." "What is your name, my brave fellow?" said Athos. "d'Artagnan, monsieur." "Well, then, Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and d'Artagnan, forward!" cried Athos.

On my sacred word of honour, in the solemn presence of Heaven, I assert it, that I will never put my hand to another bill, whatever may be the temptation. I have overcome, in this respect at least, my sin." "Your sin?" "My nature's great sin; the besetting sin that has clung to me through life; the unfortunate sin that is my bane to this hour cowardly irresolution."

You have forfeited her; you have forfeited the esteem of all good men. But that I am a Christian minister, I should visit your dishonour upon you as you deserve." "Will you cease?" raved the dowager; and Dr. Ashton wheeled round upon her. "There is less excuse for your past conduct, madam, than for his. You have played on Lord Hartledon's known irresolution to mould him to your will.

Hearing these words, the sbirri felt ashamed of their irresolution, and, indicating by signs that they would fulfil their compact, they entered the room, accompanied by the two women. As they had said, a ray of moonlight shone through the open window, and brought into prominence the tranquil face of the old man, the sight of whose white hair had so affected them. This time they showed no mercy.

The King's irresolution, although it amounted even to timidity, did not prevent his assuming the exterior bearing becoming his situation. It was only when hard pressed, as in the preceding scene, that he lost his apparent composure. In general, he might be driven from his purpose, but seldom from his dignity of manner.

There was an air of irresolution about him, and a strong play of feeling in his marred, repulsive face, as he stood by the table on which he had set the candle. One hand was in his pocket, fumbling over the few pennies yet remaining there. As if drawn by an attraction he could not resist, his eyes kept turning to the spot where Andy lay sleeping.

He took pains; he could hear every word now, surely. He was really very attentive. The chartered rascals packed in the hall took this for irresolution, and howled at him to their hearts' content. Once more Prosper held to his motto bided the time. The time came with the coming of Master Porges that smug and solemn man into the assembly.

You didn't mind our going to the breaking-up party before the midsummer holiday, said Jacinth, trembling a little at the irresolution in her aunt's face. 'Oh, I don't mean to stop her going, said Miss Mildmay. 'It is very nice of you to be so eager for Frances to have the little pleasure. But just warn her, if you can, not to get too intimate with the other girls.

At one time he talked of remaining a year at Bermuda, and wrote to his wife to come out with George and rejoin him there; but the very same letter shows his irresolution and uncertainty, for he leaves her coming to the decision of herself and friends. As to his own movements, he says, "Six weeks will determine me what to resolve on. Forbes advises the south of France, or else Barbadoes."