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"The question is, Blakely," remarked Captain Westervelt dryly, "will you go to Frisco to refit now, or wait till Congress reimburses?" whereat the scientist was observed to smile somewhat ruefully. "The question is, Bugs," burst in young Doty irrepressibly, "will you wear this rig, or Apache full dress, when you ride after Wren?

Of the human form especially, it is so great it must never be made ridiculous. Of ornaments to a work nothing outré can be allowed ... but those ornaments can be allowed that conform to the perfect facts of the open air, and that flow out of the nature of the work and come irrepressibly from it and are necessary to the completion of the work.

I asked Father about elections, and he said people could be instructed to vote a certain way. So I hereby instruct you all, my beloved courtiers, to vote for a new Queen. The same to be our beloved Sand Witch." "Beloved grandmother!" exclaimed Tom, irrepressibly.

He pointed with a burst of callow merriment at the big copper vessel, and once more the easily excited mirth of the circle burst forth irrepressibly. Encouraged by this applause, Leander resumed: "Why, I even turns my back on the still myself out'n respec' ter the family Cap'n an' Neighbor bein' so set agin liquor.

No words of his could touch such agony; but irrepressibly, and as he would have done it to a wounded child, he bent over her, and kissed her with a tender, trembling kiss. She did not repulse it, probably she did not even perceive it. At that moment Phoebe came in with the gruel.

But you Americans born are quieter. When you quarrel you seem to take no pleasure whatever in it, for all I can see!" Marjorie laughed irrepressibly. "Oh, Peggy, I do love you!" she said. "It's true, I don't like quarreling a bit. It always makes me unhappy. It's my Puritan ancestry, I suppose." "Well, you can't help your forebears," said Peggy sagely.

As this partly awoke the baby from a doze, its red face began to crease, and pucker, and twist into various contortions, at which Jan gazed with a sort of solemn curiosity in his black eyes. "Stroke the little lady's cheeks, love," said Mrs. Lake, irrepressibly proud of the winning ways and quaint grace which certainly did distinguish her foster-child.

"I suspected it," Max said. He turned slightly and looked at the man upon the bed. "This isn't your first attack," he said. Bertrand shuddered irrepressibly. "Nor my second," he said. "I can give you something to ease the pain," Max said. "But if you're wise you will consult a doctor." Again a faint smile flickered over Bertrand's face.

McCarthy, the night watchman, was seated on the platform looking down in a rueful way. He got up as Bart approached, and the latter noticed that he looked haggard, and swayed as though his head was dizzy. "What is it?" cried out Bart irrepressibly. "I'm sorry, Stirling," said the watchman, "but look there!" Bart could not restrain a sharp cry of concern.

And you should have heard Aunt Polly's dire predictions of what summer boarders would be," she chuckled irrepressibly. "What was that?" Pollyanna shook her head decidedly. "Couldn't possibly tell you. That's a dead secret. But " She stopped and sighed, her face growing wistful again. "This isn't going to last, you know. It can't. Summer boarders don't. I've got to do something winters.