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"Smoke, eh, youngster?" he repeated in his ironical way, being the driest old stick we had in the gunroom and certainly, according to Larkyns, a judge of considerable experience of the article under discussion. "Bless you, it's the most rotgut stuff any fellow ever put in his inside, and only a Dutchman could have invented it! I can tell you it's a liquor that's best left alone.

The result of his relation to her seems from this point of view pathetically ironical; but it is only a symbol of the ironical pathos of his relation to society in general; he and his kind act as a stimulant and a tonic to the society which rejects and crushes them. The anarchist is in a double sense the victim of society.

When the coachman was carrying out my trunk, a lay brother with a good ironical face came in to sweep out the room. Alexandr Ivanitch seemed flustered and embarrassed and asked him timidly: "Am I to stay here or go somewhere else?" He could not make up his mind to occupy a whole room to himself, and evidently by now was feeling ashamed of living at the expense of the Monastery.

Ardworth, though a little startled, and half angry, answered with the low, ironical laugh not uncommon to him, "Pish! you ladies are apt to think us men much greater fools than we are. A briefless lawyer is not very inflammable tinder. Yes, a cousin's love, quite enough.

I never knew how much I loved Amelia till she got sick last year when everything terrible was happening here. I'm going, Orlando Two birds hopping on one branch Would kill the joy of Slow Down Ranch "There, I made that up on the moment. It's true, even if it is poetry." "It isn't poetry, mother," was the reply, and there was an ironical look in Orlando's eyes.

There now, I've said it, my dear. The doctor tells me that he is quite the most skilful player at poker that he has ever come across." "I guess that's so," said the girl, with a dark, ironical smile. "And that his luck is phenomenal," the old lady went on, without appearing to notice the interruption. "Very well. Your uncle, the old fool excuse me, my dear has done nothing but gamble all his life.

With a wicked ingenuity he tracked her forming notions, encouraged them on, and provoked her enthusiasm by putting an ironical question: "Whether the character of the soul was subdued and shaped by the endurance and the destiny of the perishable?" "Oh! no, no!" she exclaimed. "It cannot be, or what comfort should we have?"

If however there was anything weak or ridiculous in what another said, he always laid hold of it and played upon it with success. He looked at everything with a view to pleasantry alone. This being his grand object, and he being no reasoner, his best friends were at a loss to know whether his book upon Christianity was serious or ironical. Prior's Malone, p. 375.

Black continued his recital of events, admitting the "Wanderer" incident, but he tried to sidestep the criminal actions at Beverly Park. "Now, there happened at Beverly Park an incident that the State in this action doesn't feel that it has anything to do with this particular cause." Ironical laughter at this juncture caused the removal of several spectators from the courtroom.

And ironical ladies and gents from all parts of the United States wrote me on postal cards, begging that I should name the other four. Let us leave the cynics to their little pleasantries, and make our appeal to people who think. Education means evolution, development, growth.