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They came on, the two men leading the woman by the arms till they were out of the flicker of the flames both outside and under the shadow of the house. Then the tall man, whom in my heart I made sure to be Lalor Maitland, as Irma said, held up his bandaged hand as a man does when he is about to make a speech and craves attention.

"No, not to-night," he said; "I am not going to stop my feast for him." "No, indeed," cried Irma. "Come quick and finish your feast. Oh, what eating we have had, and then what dancing! And they all want to dance with me," she continued, "Jacob and Henry and Nicholas, and they are all nice except that horrid little Sprink." "Did you not dance with him?"

Irma d'Anglars still in the land of the living! Why, my little pets, she must be near ninety." At this the ladies became suddenly serious. Ninety years old! The deuce, there wasn't one of them, as Lucy loudly declared, who would live to that age. They were all done for. Besides, Nana said she didn't want to make old bones; it wouldn't be amusing.

"Child," she said to Miss Irma, "I am your nearest neighbour. Who should come to welcome you if not I? You will find me at the farm of Heathknowes. It is my goodman's saw-mills that you hear clattering from where you stand, and I am come to see if there is anything I can do to help you." "I thank you " began the girl, and then hesitated.

"Gifted by nature, I can acknowledge," said Irma; "but devoured by vanity a perfect slave to the appetite for praise; ready to forfeit anything for flattery! Poor signor Antonio-Pericles! he knows her." And now Count Ammiani, persuaded to reason by his mother, had given her up. There was nothing more positive, for Irma had seen him in the society of Countess Violetta d'Isorella.

I set my thumb-nail to it, and there, freshly cut and tied with a piece of the very blue ribbon she was wearing, lay a lock of her hair, a curl curiously and as it seemed wilfully twisted back upon itself, as if it had refused to be so imprisoned just, in fact, like Irma herself. I should have kissed her hand if I had known how, but instead I kissed the lock of hair.

"Well, that's nothing," said Kalman; "they all want to do that." "Not for months, Kalman," protested Irma, "and never again, and especially that little Sprink. Never! Never!" As Kalman looked at her erect little figure and her flushed face, it dawned on him that a change had come to his little sister. He paused in his eating. "Irma," he said, "what have you done to yourself?

Rocco told Agostino, that up to the last moment, neither he nor any soul behind the scenes knew Vittoria would be able to appear, except that she had sent a note to him with a pledge to be in readiness for the call. Irma had come flying in late, enraged, and in disorder, praying to take Camilla's part; but Montini refused to act with the seconda donna as prima donna.

Every man to his trade, but my heart is all with you. And so on, louder by fits, in a running murmur, like one having his conscience ransacked, from which he was diverted by a side-thought of Irma di Karski, la Lazzeruola, listening, taking poison in at her ears; for Luigi had no hesitation in ascribing her behaviour to jealousy. 'Does not that note drive through your bosom, excellent lady?

"Tell her I'll come in this afternoon," said Mrs. French. "She want you now," replied Irma, with such a look of anxiety upon her face that Mrs. French was constrained to say, "Wait one moment, Doctor. I'll see what it is. I shall not keep you." She ran into the house, followed by the little girl.