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As for the portionless girl, she is a knick-knack that goes to the highest bidder. Faustina was handed over to her purchaser as if she had been a picture for his gallery; and the transaction doubtless seemed as natural to her as to her parents. She walked to the altar like an Iphigenia; but pallor becomes a bride, and it looks well for a daughter to weep on leaving her mother.

Calchas, the soothsayer, thereupon announced that the wrath of the virgin goddess could only be appeased by the sacrifice of a virgin on her altar, and that none other but the daughter of the offender would be acceptable. Agamemnon, however reluctant, yielded his consent, and the maiden Iphigenia was sent for under the pretence that she was to be married to Achilles.

Philoctetes filled the Greek stage with his lamentations; Hercules himself, when in fury, does not keep under his grief. Iphigenia, on the point of being sacrificed, confesses with a touching ingenuousness that she grieves to part with the light of the sun.

The Greek king, Agamemnon, who immolated his daughter Iphigenia to obtain favourable winds from the gods, was perhaps a most affectionate father, and the seer who advised him to do so may have been a man of high integrity. They acted according to their beliefs.

You have heard from this maternal sister of yours? Does he then give his consent?" "They say they will not have my inclinations forced, and that they had rather undergo anything than that I should be driven to to " "To be as much a sacrifice as Iphigenia," he concluded the sentence.

And, in a flash of memory and association, there passed through her mind the vision of the Opera House blazing with lights Iphigenia on the stage, wailing at her father's knees in an agony of terror and despair, and Newbury's voice: "This is the death she shrinks from " And again, as the beautiful form, erect and calm once more, swept stately to its doom: "And this is the death she accepts!"

But what Cimon would not be refined by so fair an Iphigenia? Such frivolities as he now shows belong but to youth and inexperience of life. Happy the brother who could see his sister the wife of Frank Hazeldean." The marchesa leaned her cheek on her hand in silence. To her, marriage was more than it usually seems to dreaming maiden or to disconsolate widow.

He fears to question the value of his life, having found that such questioning adds nothing to his powers; and he thinks the mariner would die of old age in port who should wait for reason to justify his voyage. Reason is indeed like the sad Iphigenia whom her royal father, the Will, must sacrifice before any wind can fill his sails.

And now farewell, true friend and companion in my toils; for indeed I die, and Phœbus hath lied unto me, prophesying falsely." And Pylades swore to him that he would build him a tomb and be a true husband to his sister. After this Iphigenia came forth, holding a tablet in her hand. And she said, "Here is the tablet of which I spake.

'Pappa loved me, but he loved his country better, and taught me to adore her, and be ready for any sacrifice. Miss McCabe looked straight at Merton, like an Iphigenia blended with a Joan of Arc. 'I do sincerely trust that no sacrifice is necessary, said Merton. 'The circumstances do not call for so unexampled a victim.