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It contained the samples from the Andes tunnel, and Tom at once began his experiments to discover a suitable explosive for rending the hard stone. "It is compressed molten lava," said Mr. Swift. "You'll never get an explosive that will successfully blast that, Tom." "We'll see," declared the young inventor. Mary's Present

But they were all acquired by the tedious experience of a past that is distinguished by a few great names whose owners knew in their time perhaps one-tenth part as much as the modern inventor does, who is unconsciously using the facts learned by old experience. But the others began at the beginning.

With our more intelligent mechanics it has long been a great favorite, while to the inventor it is absolutely indispensable. It has had many imitators and competitors in its day, but they have nearly all died the natural death of a feeble inferiority.

Of course the ability of the passengers to converse and not have to use the uncertain tube is a great advantage." As Tom Swift sailed on and on, it became evident that the test was going to be a success. The afternoon passed, and it began to grow dark, but a glorious full moon came up. "Shall I take you down?" the young inventor asked Mr. Terrill. "Not quite yet.

"I thought you wanted a race." "I do," answered the young inventor. "We're a long way from the dock yet, and we've got to come back." "You'll be out of it by the time I get to the dock," declared Andy. Indeed it began to look so, for the auto boat was now a full length ahead of Tom's craft and there was open water between them.

This sentence I give as William composed it, and from its construction you will understand the state of his mind, for he was as fastidious regarding style as Henry himself. Of course there was some excuse for him. You see, when you're an inventor you can't be anything else. It takes all your time.

"Now, let's go and have a look at my aerial warship. I haven't shown it to you yet. Then we'll get ready for that mysterious Frenchman, if he comes but I don't believe he will." The young inventor unlocked the door of the shed where he kept his latest "pet," and at the sight which met his eyes Ned Newton uttered an exclamation of surprise. "Tom, what is it?" he cried in an awed voice.

He's a regular skinflint, but I suppose, if you say it will be all right about the money, I'll have to take your word for it. I need some coin too badly to stick at anything." "That's the way to talk. By the way, talking of the inventor of the Buzzard, I saw a piece in the paper about him to-night." "What was it?"

Then have we divers inventors of our own, of excellent works; which since you have not seen, it were too long to make descriptions of them; and besides, in the right understanding of those descriptions you might easily err. For upon every invention of value, we erect a statue to the inventor, and give him a liberal and honourable reward.

I have said that in the progress of society all great and real improvements are perpetuated; the same corn which four thousand years ago was raised from an improved grass by an inventor worshipped for two thousand years in the ancient world under the name of Ceres, still forms the principal food of mankind; and the potato, perhaps the greatest benefit that the Old has derived from the New World, is spreading over Europe, and will continue to nourish an extensive population when the name of the race by whom it was first cultivated in South America is forgotten.