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She called the children, but the sight of them, happy and flushed with sleep, did not reassure her. "Mammy," said Topeka, eldest of the family, and lately on the invalid list, the victim of a cactus thorn, "my toe’s all well; can I go barefoot?" "Topeka Rodney, what kind of feet do you expect to have when you are a young lady, if you run barefoot now?"

The last one couldn't sew and this one won't " She reprimanded a grocer over the telephone, she sent a child snivelling to her bedroom. But the invalid, his eyes intent on the chess board, paid no heed. He moved cautiously, craftily, he had set his heart on winning. And he was too shrewd for Felicia to dare to pretend to let him win.

The fact that I am somewhat of an invalid and that it is altogether impossible for her to carry out such a plan as Miss Brander has sketched for herself, and that there is no opportunity whatever for her to get up a propaganda in this quiet little Cornish town, has encouraged that hope; she herself has said but little on the subject since she came home, and I think your fights with Miss Brander will go far to complete her cure."

Now, old Mrs Stewart was an invalid, and was in the habit of taking a little weak wine and water before retiring to rest at night. It chanced that the bottle containing the port wine had been left on the sideboard, a fact which was soon discovered by Swankie, who put the bottle to his mouth, and took a long pull. "What is't?" enquired the Badger, in a low tone.

And with a deftness and ease certainly not to be expected from one of her slight physique, Violet raised the helpless invalid a trifle more upon her pillow. The act, its manner, and the smile accompanying it, could not fail to please, and undoubtedly did, though no word rewarded her from lips not much given to speech save when the occasion was imperative. But Mrs.

At Fez there was, and perhaps is at this day, a wealthily-endowed hospital, the greater part of the funds of which was devoted to the support and medical treatment of invalid cranes and storks, and procuring them a decent sepulture whenever they chanced to die.

She was a confirmed invalid, who rarely quitted her house, and was seldom seen by any one save her most intimate friends, so that she was apt to be forgotten out of sight out of mind, then as now. "Forgive me, Dromas ," began Bladud, but his friend interrupted him. "I cannot forgive when I have nothing to forgive! Say no more about that.

Mulready exclaimed, rising suddenly from her invalid chair. "What do you mean by saying that it is all over?" and she seized the old nurse's arm with an eager grasp. "Don't excite yourself so, mistress. You have been sore tried, but it is over now, and today all the world will know as Maister Ned is proved to be innocent.

He had looked ill before, but now he looked as if he were dying. "She will not see me," he said to Hardwicke. His voice was that of a confirmed invalid, a mixture of complaint and helplessness. He ignored his cousin. "She will see you now that Percival has come," said Mrs. Middleton, advancing from the background. "She will see you together." And she led the way.

When she accepted a situation, it was in the conscientious belief that the persons whom she undertook to serve were the indebted party; yet she was a faithful nurse and both understood and liked her vocation. In spite of her masculine bearing toward the rest of the world, she always treated her invalid charges with womanly gentleness.