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Captain Flanger was silent as he did so, and watched the captain with the eye of a lynx, as the latter placed himself behind the chair he had occupied. He was in position to make a movement of some kind, and the intruder deliberately drew from his right-hand coat pocket a heavy revolver. Holding this in his hand, he drew another from the left-hand pocket, and threw it on the table.

The intruder then stepped up to the fire, which he stirred into a flame; and seating himself full in its light, revealed, somewhat to Roland's surprise, the form and visage of the renegade, Abel Doe, whose acts on the hill-side had sufficiently impressed his lineaments on the soldier's memory.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come!" called Andy and Dunk together. The two chums looked at each other curiously. Ikey Stein entered, his face all smiles. "Such bargains!" he began. "Socks or neckties?" asked Andy, looking for a book to throw at the intruder. "Socks silk ones, and such colors! Look!" and from various pockets he pulled pairs of half hose.

This was the Nag's Head, and in the doorway stood the redoubtable Mrs McNab herself, staring with steely eyes at the daring feminine intruder. The one overpowering impression made by Mrs McNab was cleanliness! She was so obtrusively, aggressively, immaculately clean, that the like of her had never before dazzled the eyes of the benighted Southern visitors.

But, as soon as he perceived who it was, he roused himself, and glared fiercely at the intruder from under his bent brows. "What do you want?" he asked, in a gruff voice. "I want to know what you've done with the rest of the notes with the gold and the papers you took away from my room!" rejoined Wild.

Grammar, my worthy friend, is banished as an intruder from your elocution, just as you would exclude a gauger from your Still-house." "Fwhat about de gagur!" exclaimed Teddy, starting; "d n him an' shun-tax an' every oder tax, rint an' all hee! hee! hee!"

His first impulse was to seize one and throw it at the intruder, shouting out to his companions at the same time. They quickly sprung to their feet. The carpenter seized an axe. "A bear, a bear," he cried out, as he made a blow at the nose of the animal, who, uttering fierce growls, quickly beat a retreat.

This prohibition was in general not very strictly observed; but the tutor had taken the precaution of placing Macaulay in a room next his own; a proximity which rendered the position of an intruder so exceptionally dangerous that even Malden could not remember having once passed his friend's threshold during the whole of their stay at Aspenden.

Those who do not like democracy want to keep legislators at home. But the Congress is an essential instrument of democratic government; and democratic government can never be considered an intruder into the affairs of a democratic nation.

He started hurriedly up, and straight before him, upon the gravel-walk, beheld the stalwart figure and bony frame of an old highlander, blowing, with all his lungs, the "Gathering of the clans." With all the speed he could muster, he rushed into the house, and, calling his servants, ordered them to expel the intruder, and drive him at once outside the demesne.