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"Not at all necessary," remarked the amateur cowman, reining away. "I suppose the range is for sale?" he called out, without halting. "Yes, but folks who prefer to intrude are usually poor buyers," shouted the crippled Texan. Joel was alarmed and plied Forrest with a score of questions.

In her reasoned philosophy of life, she had early decided that 'tis the wear and tear of too close daily intercourse which turns unawares the lover into the husband; and she had determined that in her own converse with the man she loved that cause of disillusion should never intrude itself. They conserved their romance through all their plighted and united life.

Formerly, it was deemed almost sacrilegious to allow reason to intrude into such a sacred domain. That was surely an unworthy mistake. We may and ought to be humble; but we have minds to think as well as hearts to adore. It may be well, therefore, to present, in as condensed a form as possible, some considerations founded on reason, in support of the idea of Restoration.

Even a hardened pressman has a dislike to intrude upon the privacy of a newly married couple, so the next morning Evie and Colonel Maitland joined me in town, and we were married by special license and, without returning to St. Albans, we started for my home in Norfolk. So much for myself. Forrest was for a long time inconsolable at the final escape of the Pirate from the hands of justice.

For although I am conscious to myself that I have never been too fond of life, yet at times, when I have considered that there would be an end to this life, and that I must some time or other part with all its good things, a certain dread and uneasiness used to intrude itself on my thoughts; but now, believe me, I am so freed from that kind of uneasiness that there is nothing that I think less worth any regard.

I will come round here at ten o'clock, and should you not have returned, will wait until you do. I do not know that I can be of any use whatever, and do not wish to intrude there. Will you kindly say this to them, but add that should they really wish me to go, I will of course do so?" Mr. Wallace looked a little puzzled.

At any rate, she must begin before their present resources were utterly exhausted, or what would become of her mother's cream, and fruit, and beef-tea? Mingled with all her troubled and often-reviewed calculations, would intrude now and then the thought, shouldn't she have to be willing to wear out and grow ugly, with hard work and insufficient nourishing?

I then went up and dressed myself, as like a bride as I could, in my best clothes; and, on inquiry, hearing my dearest master was gone to walk in the garden, I went to find him out. He was reading in the little alcove; and I said, Sir, am I licensed to intrude upon you? No, my dear, said he, because you cannot intrude.

"Well, that is what she will undergo mildly. Has she any duties that will suffer by her neglect or that will intrude upon her equanimity?" "No necessary ones but those of the house. Under no circumstances can I conceive of her giving up their supervision." "Yet she must do so under the present state of affairs.

She would not have changed place with any life living or that could be lived; she was so much abandoned to her happiness that she made the intention she would sit up in her significant apartment all that night, not to lose a moment of it. She grudged that even sleep upon her happiness should intrude.