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Rance took it upon himself to do the answering. Sauntering over to the Girl, he drawled out: "It takes you a long time to get up, seems to me. You haven't so much on, either," he went on, piercing her with his eyes. Smilingly and not in the least disconcerted by the Sheriff's remark, the Girl picked up a rug from the floor and wound it about her knees. "Well?" she interrogated.

"And if we don't have such bad luck, still we shall be interrogated as to who we are, and how we were adrift by ourselves." "There will be a difficulty about that again we must swear that it is a party of pleasure, and that we are gentlemen yachting."

"Jack, two people can be fond of each other without wanting to be together all the time. And I really am fond of you, Jack." "I would be a fool if I questioned the first statement," rejoined the Duke; "and if I questioned the second, very miserable. Nevertheless, you go in pursuit of strange gods, and I decline to follow." Her eyebrows interrogated him.

Simson, when interrogated, mildly added to his "No, sir" the explanatory sentence, "except finding him there when I went for my boots"; and Munger, the cad, added to his answer, "but I'll try to find out," with a leer and an oily smile, which Ainger felt strongly tempted to acknowledge by a kick as he passed back to his place.

If his voice sounds like something light a letter, for example, or some vegetables, or a bunch of flowers a basket is let out of the first-floor windows by a string, into which he puts his burdens and departs. But if he sounds like something heavy, such as a log of wood, or a piece of meat, or a visitor, he is interrogated, and then bidden or forbidden to ascend.

"An eye for an eye!" she said to the head-constable when the man interrogated her. It soon became known to all Liscannor, to Ennistimon, to the ladies at Castle Quin, and to all the barony of Corcomroe that Mrs. O'Hara had thrust the Earl of Scroope over the cliffs of Moher, and that she was now detained at the house of Father Marty in the custody of a policeman.

The author of that most popular story, 'Darling's Twins, gave me a description of all the houses he has ever lived in, he even told me where he purchased his writing-paper, pens, and ink! And to think that a POET should be too grand to be interrogated! Oh, the idea is really very funny! ... quite too funny for anything!

Let me call your attention to one of the women prisoners, whose peculiarly repulsive countenance was so remarkable that when we came away from the jail I interrogated one of the workers concerning her. There, in that wicked capital, she became very gay, soon acquired the absinth habit, and rapidly descended in the social scale, and now she was scarcely ever out of prison.

Declares, that she thinks there was another woman; but her head was so carried with pain of body and trouble of mind, that she minded her very little. Interrogated, when the child was taken away from her?

Her bust is flat, and her back round, her hair quite white. Beneath her brows glitter two jet-black eyes the eyes of a tigress, that seem to breathe hatred and revenge." Gaudry was interrogated first. Asked by the President the motive of his crime, he answered, "I was mad for Madame Gras; I would have done anything she told me. I had known her as a child, I had been brought up with her.