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"One last question, then," interposed Jelf, with a sort of desperation. "If this gentleman's fellow-traveller had been Mr. John Dwerrihouse, and he had been sitting in the corner next the door by which you took the tickets, could you have failed to see and recognize him?" "No, sir; it would have been quite impossible." "And you are certain you did not see him?"

"This is all very well for YOU," he complained then. "You each have each other. But where do I come in? I can just tell you, though, that if only a certain young lady I know were here, I should have something to tell YOU, perhaps." "Just a minute, Jimmy," interposed John Pendleton. "Let's play I was Aladdin, and let me rub the lamp. Mrs. Carew, have I your permission to ring for Mary?"

"You mean," I interposed, "when the vital forces are beaten so low that the natural dread of ceasing to be, has no play? It has less play, I've noticed, in age than in youth, but for the same reason that it has when people are weakened by sickness." "Ah," said Wanhope, "that comparative indifference to death in the old, to whom it is so much nearer than it is to the young, is very suggestive.

She answered, with a reserved air, "I am much obliged to you, madam, for your concern; we are all liable to misfortunes in this world. Indeed, I know not why I should be much ashamed of being in any place where I am in such good company." Here Booth interposed. He had before acquainted Amelia in a whisper that his confinement was at an end.

These words were added in a tone of half irony, as the fellow gave a sly look beneath his eyelashes. "I tell you, again," said I, impatient at the whole scene, "I am quite ready to accompany you." "Is this your name, sir?" said the strange gentleman, addressing me, as he pointed to the warrant. "Yes," interposed the officer, "there's no doubt about that; he gave it himself."

He did not deny what I said." "This was the morning after the Hasbrook outrage was it?" asked Mr. Beardsley. "Yes, it was; but I knew nothing about that till night." "We can easily understand why the captain did not want to be seen near Lincolnville," added the sheriff. "It was he who pounded Hasbrook for swindling him." "No, sir; I think not," interposed Donald.

"And so rides on horseback over it; is that what you mean?" interrupted Frank. "No, you know very well it is not what I mean," answered Vernon petulantly. "My wonder is, how one so elegant could be called by such a name as that knave uttered." "What! Molly Potts, eh? that I believe was the name he mentioned?" interposed Frank. "Pshaw, nonsense!" retorted his companion; "it can't be her name.

His daughter had been a mere observer of the little tilt she had unwittingly precipitated, and now, as she saw the younger champion go down so gaily, she was moved by his spirit to sympathetic participation. "It seems to me, father," she interposed, "that you and Mr. Leigh are like the two knights who came to blows over the colour of a shield that was white on one side and black on the other."

They returned to the subject of Alice's illness. 'I've half a mind to tell her the truth, Mutimer said. 'Surely she'd put the blackguard out of her head after that. 'No, no; you mustn't tell her! Adela interposed. 'I am sure it would be very unwise. Alice was growing worse; in an hour or two delirium began to declare itself.

As, for example, can the words 'delirium, or 'frenzy, convey an image of Wilfrid's state, when his heart began to covet Emilia again, and his sentiment not only interposed no obstacle, but trumpeted her charms and fawned for her, and he thought her lost, remembered that she had been his own, and was ready to do any madness to obtain her?