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Rumania, which occupies a peculiar position politically, forms a power in herself. In peace the army is composed of 5,000 officers and 90,000 men of the permanent establishment, and some 12,000 serving intermittently. For war a field army can be raised of some 6,000 officers and 274,000 men, with 550 cannons.

High explosive, black smoke shells bursting intermittently, tiles fell into my dugout. I took pick shovel in with me; my kitten ran away but came back. A three-legged cat came to the ruined home where I am; its leg evidently had been cut off by shrapnel. Great air fight all day. Incendiary shells were fired into the town and burnt for a long time.

The struggle between the two parties, which had continued intermittently for a number of years, suddenly became acute through the appointment by Maurice of Jacob Harmensz, better known as Arminius, to the Chair of Theology at Leyden, vacated by the death of Junius in 1602.

All this can and does progress, but mostly slowly, intermittently, with short violent paroxysms of excess and long sleepy reactions of defect, with one-sidedness, travesties, and worst of all with worldly indifference and self-seeking.

As he worked only intermittently, and was too closely supervised by the police to do much at his old occupation, Molly was obliged to support the humble ménage by scrubbing in a neighboring lodging house and by washing "the odd shirts" of the lodgers.

He does not seem to have shown either very great energy or very great ability in this quest; indeed one gathers he dropped the inquiry after working at it intermittently for about a month.

They were audible intermittently, but connectedly enough, as though their owners waited from time to time for a lull in the gusty wind before they spoke. "Hold the lantern here. Why, it's past seven! He ought to be here by now." "We 've searched every inch of the ground." "That's Paul de Roustache," whispered the Captain. "Perhaps he 's lying down out of the storm somewhere. Shall we shout?"

In the east, portions of the sky were turning to light purple, and other portions to a darker hue, while from time to time I could see, looming black against those portions, coils of smoke the density of which kept being stabbed with fiery spikes of flame, so that the vague, towering forest looked like a hill on the top of which a fiery dragon was crawling about, and writhing, and intermittently raising tremulous, scarlet wings, and as often relapsing into, becoming submerged in, the bank of vapour.

In consequence of being always at work, he could get very little work done; and, being pursuantly in a chronic state of debt and destitution, he got only the work that intermittently slothful men would n't take at the price. It is scarcely necessary to add that he had a wife and about thirteen small children, mostly girls.

Now with Diane's permission to probe its secret if, indeed, it had one like its charred companion he was fretting again, as he had intermittently fretted in the lodge of Mic-co, at the train of circumstances that had interposed delay. Train and taxi were perniciously slow. Carl found his patience taxed to the utmost.