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I took him for a drive in the afternoon, after having vainly urged him to rest, and while he told me about his horses, and his regiment, and his brother officers, in what at last grew to be a decidedly intermittent prattle, I amused myself by wondering what he would say if I suddenly began to hold forth on the themes I love best, and insist that he should note the beauty of the trees as they stood that afternoon expectant, with all their little buds only waiting for the one warm shower to burst into the glory of young summer.

If not cured within a certain time, these fevers often occasion hard swellings in the stomach and legs, which are not removed without great difficulty. The Medinans care little about this intermittent fever, to which they are accustomed, and with them it seldom proves fatal; but the case is otherwise with strangers.

"The filthy, unsportsmanly, dog-eating Prussian swine! They're turning MACHINE-GUNS on him!" In place of the intermittent rattle of rifleshots now came the purring cough of rapidfire guns. The bullets hit the upper hillside in swathes, beginning a few yards behind the flying collie and moving upward toward him like a sweeping of an unseen scythe. "That's the wind-up!" groaned Mahan.

A peon servant was paid to keep up the vigil when Blake slept, as sleep he must. But the strain was beginning to tell on him. He walked heavily. The asthmatic wheeze of his breathing became more audible. His earlier touch of malaria returned to him, and he suffered from intermittent chills and fever. The day came when Blake suggested it was about time for them to move on.

This is the alternating good-and-bad condition known as the Intermittent Tendency or the tendency of the stutterer or stammerer to show marked improvement at times.

The patient, a harness-maker of forty-seven, was affected generally over the body, but particularly in the face, hands, and feet. The conjunctival, nasal, and aural mucosa were all involved. The skin felt warm, and pressure did not influence the discoloration. The pains complained of were of an intermittent, burning, shooting character, chiefly in the epigastric and left lumbar regions.

It was fortunate that no customers happened to come in, for it is certain they would never have come in again the noise was too tremendous, a noise of smashing and ripping and tearing, mixed now and then with the tinkling of glass, the quick breathing of the two throwers, and the intermittent outbursts of laughter to which both of them periodically surrendered.

These conditions, both at the time of the so-called improvement and at the time of the recurrence of the trouble, will appear in greater or less degree in the case of every stutterer or stammerer whose trouble is of the intermittent type.

For some time, dimly, an intermittent and faint sound had been felt, rather than actually heard, like the irregular muffled beating of a heart. Gradually it had insisted on the attention. Now at last it broke through the film of consciousness. "What is it?" she asked. Thorpe listened. Then his face lit mightily with the joy of battle. "My axmen," he cried. "They are cutting the road."

Five men and a Corporal of the Town Guard, similarly burdened and accoutred we know the pale Cockney eyes and the thin face of the Corporal, whose freckles have long ago vanished in a uniform gingerbread hue had also taken momentary shelter from one of the intermittent blizzards of Mauser bullets that drifted through Gueldersdorp.