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Naturally the most interesting names of all are to be found in what we now call "the City," meaning the centre of London, which was at one time all the London there was. We have seen that London was in the time of the Britons just a fort, and that it became important in Roman times, and a town grew up around it.

"That is quite new to me, and I fancy will be to most of us, and of much interest as well. There has been great discussion as to the germ of the idea, and we fancied that there was for once something new under the sun. Well! well! In your higher educational institutions! that is interesting indeed. You must tell me more of that."

Apart, however, from any mere question of names, there appears the interesting parallel that the two most famous Labyrinths, the first palace at Knossos, and the great Hawara temple, actually belong to the same period a period when, as we know from the other evidence, there was certainly active intercourse between the two nations. Mr.

There ensues a complete lapse in the chronicling of the history of Bohemia until Cosmas took up the tale. Having no historical records of events since the days of Samo, he drew upon a rich store of legend which, coloured by his lively imagination, forms a glowing and vivid background to the story of this interesting and attractive branch of the great Slavonic race, I am not competing with Cosmas.

Fold up the letter carefully, and toss it upon your pile of papers. Open Chitty again; pleasant reading is Chitty! Lean upon your hand your two hands, so that no one will catch sight of your face. Chitty is very interesting, how sparkling and imaginative! what a depth and flow of passion in Chitty! The office is a capital place so quiet and sunny.

In order to make the watch wheel, or the coat collar interesting, they must be connected with the entire product must include fellowship as well as the pleasures arising from skilled workmanship and a cultivated imagination.

There is the danger of side issues. An inexperienced story-teller is exposed to the temptation of breaking off from the main dramatic interest in a short exciting story in order to introduce a side issue which is often interesting and helpful but which must be left for a longer and less dramatic story.

Occasionally the most casual notice, on my part, of some very unpromising object has smoothed the way for the relation of a long and interesting narrative. I first heard one of the most dramatic stories merely through being carelessly inquisitive to know the history of a stuffed poodle-dog.

The master of this gentleman will pay you, and I have only to show you out by the street door." "Come, come, my good fellow," cried the clerk, "you don't think. We are just at the most interesting and curious moment; I and these honest masons are burning to see the interior of this mysterious house, and you would be cruel enough to send us away? Impossible!"

They deferred their departure from Paris in order to remain with the family, and they both took turns in assisting to watch, by the bed-side of the sufferer. She survived only a few days, and expired, in the hope and peace of the gospel, the day after they quitted the city. We may conclude the narrative of this interesting visit to Paris with a short reflection by Martha Yeardley.