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"Ticklish job that, on a falling tide," said the mate, coolly. "You know best whether there's time to get through." "I will try," said Almayer, watching the shore intently. "Look out now!" He tugged hard at the starboard yoke-line. "Lay in your oars!" shouted the mate. The boat swept round and shot through the narrow opening of a creek that broadened out before the craft had time to lose its way.

Each was haughty, fully aware of his own dignity and importance, but they met half way, looked intently for a moment or two into the eyes of each other, and then saluted gravely. All at once Henry knew the stranger. He had never seen him before, but his impressive reception, and the mixture of military and savage attire revealed him.

Then he sat again on the table and looked fixedly at the door of the room he had just left. He listened also intently. He heard a dry sound of rustling; sharp cracks as of dry wood snapping; a whirr like of a bird's wings when it rises suddenly, and then he saw a thin stream of smoke come through the keyhole. The monkey struggled under his coat. Ali appeared with his eyes starting out of his head.

And glancing casually at the gentleman, who still stood there gazing intently at him, he would have gone on. "This gentleman is a Russian, and was inquiring after you," said the head waiter.

"Surgeon-Major Thomson." The servant wheeled an easy-chair up towards the fire and placed by its side a small table on which were some illustrated papers. Then, with a little bow, he disappeared through the inner door. Major Thomson, who had been fingering the Sketch, laid it down the moment the door was closed. He leaned forward, his face a little strained. He had the air of listening intently.

I did so . . . I'm much obliged to you, Al. I shan't forget it no, no. I cal'late you can trot along home now, if you want to. I'm pretty safe for to-night, anyhow. Guess likely the new recruit won't desert afore morning." But Albert, watching him intently, refused to go. "I'm going to stay for a while, Labe," he said. "I'm not a bit sleepy, really. Let's have a smoke and talk together.

As the two foreign ladies, both young, both in their very different fashion good-looking, walked past the sitting groups of neighbours men, women, and children would stop talking and stare intently at them, as is also a Parisian way.

Then suddenly she clasped my wrist and looked at the two big, hard, live callouses in my own palm, that some kind of a queer prophetic sentiment had warned me not to let a manicure work on. Also, she saw the pea-thumb that still held a trace of the blister. Intently she looked for a few seconds, first at me and then at Sam.

And we're too simple to know how to live such a life, so there's only one thing that'd happen " Keineth was making tiny circles in the soft grass with the toe of her shoe. She had listened intently, now she interrupted quickly: "Aunt Josephine!" "Yes Aunt Josephine would have to come down to show us how!"

In the room, swept with pure airs from the open window, the light subdued by a curtain of gunny sacks, the young man was kneeling by the side of the mattress, his hand on the sick woman's. She was looking at him intently, a slow intelligence gathering in her eyes. The ghost of a smile touched her lips, and they parted to emit in the small voice of a child, "Marquis de Lafayette."