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Peck's Diary, Two Years in Baffin Land in the Intelligencer, and they were much interested. They like coming and we are only too pleased to see them. Tuesday, January 28. I think every one is now giving up all hope of seeing the schooner. To-day John Glass and his wife gave a dinner to the whole island in honour of their one-year-old son. Ellen and I went. Everything was excellently arranged.

The Brereton Intelligencer devoted half a column to a description of the exploit and prophesied that that "young man" would be heard from again. For weeks and months there was nothing at the disposal of Mr.

But, to my shame and confusion, I must say, that I know too well to what to attribute his transports. In one word, it is to his triumph, my dear. And, to impute it to that perhaps equally exposes my vanity, and condemns my folly. We have been alarmed with notions of a pursuit, founded upon a letter from his intelligencer. How do different circumstances either sanctify or condemn the same action!

What bristling and baseless egomania sways him to affront the Daily Intelligencer with his contumacious and indecent unpunctuality?" "Who, chief?" asked Gootes. Le ffaçasé ignored him.

"Ah, now, Philip," said his mother, half-amused and half-startled by the irreverent sound of this expression, but full of admiration for Philip's originality. "And what are you, please?" demanded his father with some severity and a slightly heightened color. He knew that Philip must be wrong, for he had never seen anything of this sort in the "Christian Intelligencer" in his life.

The Intelligencer was lodged over the printshop of a local tributary which had agreed to the ousting with the most hypocritical assurances of joy at the honor done them and payment in the smallest possible type by the addition to the great newspaper's masthead of the words, "And Pomona Post-Telegram." Packed into this inadequate space were the entire staff and files of the metropolitan daily.

Rivers's Intelligencer"; and, when he heard the lucid statements, would say, she ought to have been a "special correspondent." And her father declared that her news made him twice as welcome to his patients; but her cleverest sentences always were prefaced with "George says," or "George thinks," in a manner that made her appear merely the dutiful echo of his sentiments.

Gales took pains to have it called rotundo in the National Intelligencer was a hall of elegant proportions, ninety-six feet in diameter and ninety-six feet in height to the apex of its semicircular dome. It had been decorated with remarkable historical bas-reliefs by Cappellano, Gevelot, and Causici, three Italian artists two of them pupils of Canova.

It might seem that he, of all people, would feel no need of special times of prayer; yet this is not the case. There are appointed times each day when he and those around him engage in prayer. Whenever possible he attends a Friends meeting for worship. The following quotation from the Friends Intelligencer gives his view of this matter.

My corrupt intelligencer, Madam! interrupted me, He is to this hour your brother's as well as mine. By what I have ingenuously told you, you may see who began this corruption. Let me assure you, Madam, that there are many free things which I have been guilty of as reprisals, in which I would not have been the aggressor. All that I shall further say on this head, Mr.