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"We have had what we deserved," answered Arthur. "Yet I would fain know your name, and would further learn if that device on your shield is intended as an insult to King Arthur." "That you must ask Morgan le Fay: she alone knows. But report says she does not love her royal brother over much. Yet she told me not what it means, and I have borne it at her command.

When they neglect the soul, the noblest part of man, she revenges herself of the insult by concealing all her brilliant qualities, which alone constitute woman's true beauty and adornment.

Her very presence was a moral tonic, and I felt it would be easier to tear out my tongue than to utter anything which she could construe into possible insult. The very depth of her perfect womanhood was itself protection, and, until the veil was finally lifted, my lips were vowed to silence. She waited quietly while a couple passed us and sought seats nearer the door.

"Perhaps I can destroy as much valuable property as you can," said Dan, as he took his fowling piece again. "You must come with me. I know that nigger in the boat with you, and I reckon you belong to Colonel Raybone." "I, you villain! How dare you insult me? I am a free white man." "Perhaps you be, but you've been advertised enough to let any man in these yere parts know you.

"Wait a bit, you, sir, and I'll teach you to insult your seniors." "All in, all in!" "Here, Dicksee, go and hit that fellow on the mouth for shouting." "All in, all in!" came again, directed at our group. "Coming," cried Burr major. Then to me: "After morning studies, you sir. I don't suppose I shall forget."

The inhabitants made not a shadow of resistance. Not a drop of blood was issued; not a threat nor an insult was interchanged. This is the truth; but the truth did not suit Napoleon. But for this imaginary resistance, officially announced, how would it have been possible to justify the spoliations and exactions which ensued?

There are words and acts from a man to a woman which may be lovely to the woman if they come spontaneously and naturally. If they are produced as by a force-pump, they are an insult. If you tried to hide the pump, it was a poor effort.

Then I turned upon her saying, "Mrs. Stein, you forget that Georgia has not seen that hat. You know that grandma bought it after Georgia went away." She sprang toward me, then turned to grandma, and asked if she was going to let an underling insult a guest in her house. I did not wait for the reply. I fled out into the dark and made my way to the weird old tree-trunk in the back yard.

The hospitaliere rose. "If you come here to insult a woman," she said, with the same calm self-possession, "insult me, monsieur; if, however, you have come to induce me to change my opinion, you are wasting your time, and can withdraw." "Ah! you are no human creature!" exclaimed Joyeuse, exasperated. "You are possessed by an evil spirit." "I have answered already; I will reply no further.

"Go, Sir," said he at length, as soon as he was able to find utterance for his words; "Go, sir, to your quarters; and before you leave them, a court-martial shall decide, if such continued insult to your commanding officer, warrants your name being in the Army List." "What the devil can all this mean?" I said, in a half-whisper, turning to the others.