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The thing is the more insufferable, because they absolutely know nothing of the subject, and have about as much real appreciation of works of genius as a pig possesses for the inventions of Watt or Daedalus. While prigs of the above description are eternally chattering about such topics, men who are really eminent in the fine arts never say a word on the subject.

"Simon Jennings," said Sir John, after pausing in vain for his reply, "I have long wished to get rid of you, sir. Silence! I know you, and have been finding out your rascally proceedings these ten days past. Jennings drew himself up with an air of insufferable impudence, and quietly answered, "John Vincent, I am proud to leave your service. I trust I can afford to live without your help."

You know, sir," said I, "what circumstances I am in; I am bound to the East Indies in a ship freighted by merchants, and to whom it would be an insufferable piece of injustice to detain their ship here, the men lying all this while at victuals and wages on the owners' account.

And the lover began to feel that he could no longer sit sipping the stockbroker's port with a hypocritical pretence of appreciation, and roasting himself before the blazing fire, the heat whereof was multiplied to an insufferable degree by grate and fender of reflecting steel. Mr.

The Bishop nodded. "It's the worst trouble I've ever had. It would kill me to see him marry that man's daughter. I can't and won't resign myself to it. Why should I? Why should Dick choose, out of all the world, the one girl in it who would be insufferable to me. I can't give in about this. Much as Dick is to me I'll let him go sooner.

The German shrugged his shoulders. "A hundred things may have happened," he said "the Hereros or the Bushmen they may be under one of the shifting dunes or they are lost and may be dying of thirst who knows?" The heat was terrific: the vibrant atmosphere over the red-hot sand looked as though it had become molten, and the glare to the eye was almost insufferable.

Edgar Linton had difficulty in hearing me to the close. His first words revealed that he did not clear his wife of blame. 'This is insufferable! he exclaimed. 'It is disgraceful that she should own him for a friend, and force his company on me! Call me two men out of the hall, Ellen. Catherine shall linger no longer to argue with the low ruffian I have humoured her enough.

That poor devil always so humble in his letters, so pitiful, so deferential; so steeped in reverence for our great line and lofty-station; so anxious to placate us, so prayerful for recognition as a relative, a bearer in his veins of our sacred blood and withal so poor, so needy, so threadbare and pauper-shod as to raiment, so despised, so laughed at for his silly claimantship by the lewd American scum around him ah, the vulgar, crawling, insufferable tramp!

She laughed merrily, and drew Marietta dancing forward. "Now I have company, we will laugh and be happy." "Who is in the saloon?" said Marietta, "and why are you banished to-day?" "Well, because of this Italian count this insufferable Ranuzi. He has been here for an hour, and mamma commanded no one to be admitted, as she had important business with the count."

I kept the commandments in the usual degree and way, and was conscientious in my dealings with others. Now all at once by this Presentment of Himself before my soul which had lasted for no more than one moment of time I suddenly, and with terrible clearness, saw the whole insufferable offensiveness of myself.