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In accomplishing this goal, a majority of regional institutes had carried the process a stage further by creating networks ofstudy circleswhich utilize the talents of believers to replicate the work of the institute at a local level.

"I have no idea; but I will find out. Yes, I will find out. Come downstairs, Mrs. Smith; we will institute inquiries." When Mr. Smith had descended to the lower floor, and was about entering the office, it chanced that his nephew was just entering the house. "What's the matter, Uncle Socrates?" he asked; "you look troubled." "And a good reason why, James; I have met with a loss."

Tarzan was a dozen yards ahead of Numa when he reached the wall. There was no time to stop and institute a search for sturdy stems and safe handholds. His fate was in the hands of chance and with the realization he gave a final spurt and running catlike up the side of the wall among the vines, sought with his hands for something that would sustain his weight. Below him Numa leaped also.

Professor Atkinson, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, advises students thus: "Gather up the scraps and fragments of thought on whatever subject you may be studying for, of course, by a note-book I do not mean a mere receptacle for odds and ends, a literary dust-bin but acquire the habit of gathering every thing, whenever and wherever you find it, that belongs in your lines of study, and you will be surprised to see how such fragments will arrange themselves into an orderly whole by the very organizing power of your own thinking, acting in a definite direction.

On the platform of the main schoolroom in the Shelby Classical Institute stood Colonel Owen and Walter Sherwood. "My young friends," began Colonel Owen, "you are all aware that your respected teacher, Mr. Haywood, is obliged to be absent for the remainder of the term. I have been able to secure as his substitute Mr. Walter Sherwood, who will do his best to carry on the work which Mr.

The shouts proceeded from a party of sailors on leave from one of the ironclads lying in the harbour. These, being out for the day on a spree as some of them styled it had hired donkeys, and come in a body to the Institute, where they knew that food of the best, dressed in British fashion, and familiar games, were to be had, along with British cheer and sympathy.

'The conditions, as sent to me, state that the designs are to be adjudicated on by three members of the Institute called in for the purpose; so that she may return, and have seemed to show no favour. 'Then it amounts to this: your design MUST be best. It must combine the excellences of your invention with the excellences of his.

She had undoubtedly received overtures from the directors of the Institute of whom poor Aunt Ju had for the moment been the spokeswoman, and in these overtures it had been intimated to her that the directors would be happy to remunerate her for her trouble should the money collected at the hall enable them to do so.

He's told me over and over again that he deprecates precipitancy of action." "He feels very strongly about the Higher Criticism. Very strongly indeed. He says it's poisoning the wells of religion in the home." "Last time he lunched with us he said it was sapping the foundations. Still I scarcely think he'll want to institute a heresy prosecution against Miss Pettigrew."

This "Institute of Theosophy" takes its name from the School of Science, Art and Philosophy founded by the great Pythagoras, and aspires to be to-day what his Krotona was in the past a centre of spiritual enlightenment. It is run on co-operative lines, and on a non-profit basis.