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Scenes of terror. Vain attempts at concealment. Numbers arrested. The priests. A human fiend. Butchery of the priests. Arrival at the prison. Prison tribunal. Massacre in the prisons. Fiendish orgies. Female spectators. Character of the victims. The Bicetre. Numbers massacred. Girls sent to the guillotine. Their heroism. The assassins rewarded. They threaten their instigators.

"Chanlouineau was not lying, then," he said to his son, in a choked, unnatural voice; "you were one of the instigators of this rebellion, then?" Martial's face grew dark, and in a tone of disdainful hauteur, he replied: "This is the fourth time, sir, that you have addressed that question to me, and for the fourth time I answer: 'No. That should suffice.

And, as the doctor bowed without saying a word, the magistrate said, "I resume the account. The statements of the accused since his arrest are too insignificant to be here reported. There is only one peculiarity of importance for the prosecution, which may possibly serve to enable us to trace the instigators of this crime.

They therefore established a blockade of all the coast-line between Siyareh and Jibal Elmas, demanding, as the only alternative by which it would be raised, the surrender of the principal instigators of the outrage on us for trial in Aden, of whom the first in consequence was Ou Ali, the murderer of Stroyan.

Ben Starkey, President of the Board of American Steel, expressed "shock and regret"; the Amalgamated Buttonhole Makers held a mass meeting in protest, demanding that "the instigators of this unprecedented crime be permanently barred from positions in American Industry." In Washington, the nation's economists were more cautious in their views. Yes, it was an unprecedented action.

The party allow, by their own accounts, eight thousand persons to have perished on this occasion; but the number is supposed to be much more considerable. No papers are published at present except those whose editors, being members of the Assembly, and either agents or instigators of the massacres, are, of course, interested in concealing or palliating them. -Mr.

General Carr, upon hearing of the row, sent for Wild Bill and myself, he having concluded, from the various statements which had been made to him, that we were the instigators of the affair. But after listening to what we had to say, he thought that the Mexicans were as much to blame as we were.

They carried the fragments for miles away from the site, and scattered them about in every direction, so that the chapel might never be rebuilt. Some of the instigators and chief actors in this outrage, were "gentlemen of property and standing," residents of Bridgetown. The first morning after the outrage began, the mob sought for the Rev. Mr.

Thus died the greatest statesman of his age; a pure patriot, a disinterested politician, a great orator, a man possessing at once immense talent, unbounded perseverance, a fortitude under misfortunes beyond proof, and an unshakeable faith in God. But terrible as was the blow to the Netherlands, it failed to have the effect which its instigators had hoped from it.

Or did the gentlemen consider that she deserved punishment for not treating Martina more kindly? Whatever might have caused the unseemly act, in Barbara's eyes it was a base trick, which filled her with furious rage against the instigators. Had she shared the Emperor's power, it would have been a delight to her in this hour to repay the malignant insult in the same or far heavier coin.