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I met while traveling a sergeant of a regiment of the American regulars, and he spoke of the want of discipline among the volunteers as hopeless. But even he instanced it chiefly by their want of cleanliness. "They wear their shirts till they drop off their backs," said he; "and what can you expect from such men as that?"

He at least could understand; but to Pinkerton, I think the noise, the wine, the sun, the shadows of the leaves, and the esoteric glory of being seated at a foreign festival, made up the whole available means of entertainment. We sat down about half-past eleven; I suppose it was two when, some point arising and some particular picture being instanced, an adjournment to the Louvre was proposed.

When one blamed Hecataeus the sophist because that, being invited to the public table, he had not spoken one word all supper-time, Archidamidas answered in his vindication, "He who knows how to speak, knows also when. The sharp and yet not ungraceful retorts which I mentioned may be instanced as follows.

But her manner after making discovery of the hindrance was quiet and subdued, even to passivity itself; as was instanced by her having, at the moment of receiving information that the steamer had sailed, replied 'Oh, so coolly to the porter with her luggage, that he was almost disappointed at her lack of disappointment. The question now was, should she return again to Mrs.

A man said of it, the other day, that into some pieces of it, when polished, one could see a good distance; and he instanced a certain gravestone. Visited the cave. A large portion of it, where water trickles and falls, is perfectly white.

Pushed to explain what it was, she said, 'It's something I want you to do for a friend of mine, Uncle Mel. The diplomatist instanced a few of the modest requests little maids prefer to people they presume to have power to grant. 'No, it's nothing nonsensical, said Rose; 'I want you to get my friend Evan an appointment.

The wing flight was a convenient arrangement for double houses, as instanced by the old Billmeyer house in Germantown, with its exceedingly plain iron handrail and straight spindles. Of more interest is the balustrade at Number 207 La Grange Alley with its evolute spiral band and slender ball spindles beneath.

So the wave flowed and ebbed, but on the whole it seemed to advance. Among local societies in the Northern States, one may be instanced in New Haven, Ct., in which, in 1825, five young men associated themselves; among them were Edward Beecher, Leonard Bacon, and Theodore D. Woolsey.

There are, however, several drugs that cannot be used in the same proportions for the one as for the other, without danger of producing fatal consequences, as instanced in calomel, a medicine so often abused by those who pretend to a knowledge of its administration in the maladies of dogs.

He instanced to me the fact that he said nothing to Frank about his soul: he honestly confessed that he scarcely even wished to press him to come to Evensong on Sunday. Of course, he did not like Frank's being a Roman Catholic; and his whole intellectual being informed him that it was because Frank had never really known the Church of England that he had left it.