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And even as we, who are now in Space, look down on Flatland and see the insides of all things, so of a certainty there is yet above us some higher, purer region, whither thou dost surely purpose to lead me O Thou Whom I shall always call, everywhere and in all Dimensions, my Priest, Philosopher, and Friend some yet more spacious Space, some more dimensionable Dimensionality, from the vantage-ground of which we shall look down together upon the revealed insides of Solid things, and where thine own intestines, and those of thy kindred Spheres, will lie exposed to the view of the poor wandering exile from Flatland, to whom so much has already been vouchsafed.

Such consolations come home to the heart of a man, and quite home to the heart of a woman. Whatever the husband might feel, the wife cared nothing for frowns of dean, archdeacon, or prebendary. To her the outsides and insides of her husband and fourteen children were everything.

They wore thick leather aprons, and square leather pieces strapped across the insides of their hands as a protection against splinters. These, like all other especial accoutrements, seemed to Bob somehow romantic, to be desired, infinitely picturesque. He passed on with the clear, yellow-white of the pine boards lingering back of his retina.

It was a strange sort of place over the river; all the streets were narrow, and the houses and the pavements and the people's clothes and the mud in the road all seemed the same sort of dull colour a sort of brown-grey it was. All the house doors were open, and you could see that the insides of the houses were the same colour as the outsides.

The statement and explanation of several of these will form the concluding part of the present essay. I observed one morning, in winter, that the insides of the panes of glass in the windows of my bedchamber were all of them moist, but that those which had been covered by an inside shutter during the night were much more so than the others which had been uncovered.

ROAST QUAILS. Quails may be dressed and served up like woodcocks; or dressed with the insides stuffed with sweet herbs and beef suet chopped fine, and mixed with a little spice. They must roast rather a shorter time than woodcocks. ROAST RUMP OF BEEF. Let it lie in salt for two days, then wash it, and soak it an hour in a quart of claret, and a pint of elder vinegar.

"Yes," I said, "the binding will trim up my table just as well without the insides." I thought he looked at me a little suspiciously, but he was evidently satisfied by my expression of countenance, for he answered promptly: "Oh, but you want the insides. That's what the books are for. The bindings are never sold alone."

Emily's face flushed like a rosebud when she laid them on the table. "Very, very good," said Mrs. Goodriche; "and you did them all yourself?" "Yes, ma'am," said Emily. "I made the insides first, and stuffed them with bran, before I put the silk on." "Now for Lucy," said Mrs.

But you drink that water and the snakes will grow and wriggle and work all through ye, and eat your insides out, and you'll die. Your mother" in a whisper "she drunk that water, and she died. Your sister Ruth, and Dirck, and Jimmy, they drunk it, and they died. Now if Emmy wants to die" Large eyes of horror fastened on the speaker's face. "No o, she don't want to die, the Loveums!

Then comes puddings an' sweets then cheese savouries then ices an' then coffee an' all the time the wine's a-goin', Primmins sez, every sort, claret, 'ock, chably, champagne, an' the Lord alone He knows wot their poor insides feels like when 'tis all a-mixin' up together an' workin' round arterwards.