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"She first of all invented an errand that took me out of the house, and then used the opportunity to search my room." "Detectives have to do things of that sort," said Hilary, reddening in spite of herself; "but that's not the point. The point is that she says this necklace belongs to her, that the miniature inside the locket is one of her mother who gave it to her.

You command the people to begin to pound rice, for we will make Sayang" Not long after Aponitolau saw a flame of fire in the rice granary and he said, "Why is there a fire in the rice granary?" So he ran to see. Not long after he went inside of the granary and he saw what it was.

I shall be returning this way to-morrow morning, and I will bring a few hundred sols from Senor Palacio for you and your men; but if we are followed you will get nothing, and you must have forgotten in the mean time that you have seen us pass." There was a murmur inside the carriage, and Hope's face disappeared from between the curtains to reappear again almost immediately.

I'm going to be busy as a pup in a fireplug factory with this Rivers thing, and I'll need some checking-upping done inside the Fleming household." He went on, in meticulous detail, to explain about the Rivers murder. "I'll have some work for you, before you're ready to start buttling, too." Disencumbering himself of the two percussion revolvers, he laid them on the table.

When she woke she declared there was somebody prowling round the tent. She got her shotgun and we all sat up in bed for an hour or so. Nothing happened, however, except that Aggie cried out that there was a small animal just inside the door of the tent. We could see it, too, though faintly.

Pee-wee completed the tale in breathless excitement. He told all, from the beginning. "They locked it in," he concluded, "and went away; but one of the doors, the big one, was locked on the inside and I opened it. Anybody can take the car out. Those men have gone away across the lake. If you'll drive it to Bridgeboro you can stay at my house and have breakfast and I'll tell Mr.

The boy might be making up some story, but he certainly is scratched." "The circus lion!" cried Mrs. Brown. "Oh, that must be the one that did it! The lion must be roaming around here! We must lock the automobile and stay inside!" "Now please don't get excited," begged Mr. Brown. "In the first place this boy may not be telling the truth. He is scratched, for Mrs.

His heart began to thump, there was a sudden sinking inside him; his old submissiveness was on the point of coming to the surface and mastering him. But that was only for a moment; then he was himself again. Quietly he offered his guest a chair. Meyer sat down, looking about the neat, simple room as though he wanted to compare his enemy's means with his own before he made a move.

Perhaps he has come to ask for Sybil's answer to his offer; if so, we can give him a very short one." "We will say nothing to offend him," answered Captain Mackintosh, who had joined his son; "but it will be prudent, knowing what we do, not to admit these gentlemen inside the gate. I will go out and meet them, and you and the other men cover me with your rifles.

Ferd drove, adorned also with a plug hat from the stock of the Honorable Percival. Just inside the gate of the fair-grounds waited the Smyrna "Silver Cornet Band." It struck up "Hail to the Chief," to the violent alarm of the hack-horses. "We're goin' to get run away with sure's you're above hatches!" bellowed Cap'n Sproul, standing up and making ready to leap over the edge of the watermelon.