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You have made desolate countless homes that once were happy, and broken hearts that had no thought of evil towards you and you have done all this, and more, to maintain as vile a despotism as ever insulted the justice of man, or mocked at the mercy of God. "In the inscrutable workings of Eternal Justice it has come to pass that your sentence shall be uttered by the lips of one of your victims.

"The man who came in just now, then, was he only a customer?" "I wish a customer had come in, but there has been nobody," she replied in surprised tones. I looked full in her eyes; she met mine with a blinking imperturbability. There is no face so inscrutable as a clever old woman's when she is on her guard.

Had some great and powerful foe been converted suddenly into a friend at a critical moment, Napoleon, another unscrupulous robber, might not have been defeated at Waterloo, or died on a rock in the ocean. But Providence, it would seem, who rules the fate of war, had some inscrutable reason for the rescue of Prussia under Frederic, and the humiliation of France under Napoleon.

As you don't read the newspapers, allow me to repeat it. You are engaged to marry the 'beautiful widow, Mrs. Norman. I think I quote those last words correctly?" Mrs. Presty suddenly got up. With an inscrutable face that told no tales, she advanced to the door.

Madame de Montespan had heard something of these dread sacrificial rites to Satan; sufficient to fill her with loathing and disgust of the whitefaced, beady-eyed woman who dared to insult her by the proposal. She fumed and raged a while, and even went near to striking La Voisin, who looked on with inscrutable face and stony, almost contemptuous, indifference.

Carlyle calls it, to the public executioner, a division of the honours of social surgery which is no more than fair; while, in the second place, he redeems the brutality of the military surgical idea after a fashion, by an extraordinary mysticism, which led him to see in war a divine, inscrutable force, determining success in a manner absolutely defying all the speculations of human reason.

Besides, he had already learned that it was impossible to extract anything from the inscrutable answers of Bretons and Normans. "Galope-Chopine!" cried Mademoiselle de Verneuil, when Francine brought the man to her. "Does he love me?" she murmured to herself, in a low voice. The instinctive hope sent a brilliant color to her cheeks and joy into her heart.

It was in a great resounding vault of a place where there were many people who had come home, and I was displeased because they knew the detail of the business, whereas I was confronting the inscrutable.

Inscrutable the processes of human hearts: even as from the very first Sofia had instinctively yet unconsciously recognized the intrinsic falsity of Victor's pretensions, so now she perceived the integral honesty that informed Lanyard's every word and nuance of expression, and accepted him without further inquisition.

Their introduction into this land may have been one of the inscrutable ways of Providence to confer blessings upon that race it may have been decreed that they shall be the means of conveying to the minds of their benighted countrymen, the blessing of religious and civil liberty.