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"My boy, the feline's existence was terminated as a direct result of its inquisitiveness." "What did you say?" "Curiosity killed the cat," explained the Phoenix. "Oh. But " "Now, run along, my boy. A very important Thought has just come to me. I must Meditate a while." The Phoenix glanced at the thicket and hid a yawn behind one wing. "Oh, all right," said David.

"A missioner! That illuminates everything." The spinster's face actually became warm. "You will finish your education in the East and return. I see." "No. I shall never come back." Something in the child's voice, something in her manner, warned the spinster that her well-meaning inquisitiveness had received a set-back and that it would be dangerous to press it forward again.

I felt a delicacy in pressing inquiries concerning information that I thought ought to be voluntarily given. Inquisitiveness was regarded as a gross rudeness by them, and I could frame no question that I did not fear would sound impertinent.

A wooden shutter concealed this pane, but passers-by opened it every moment to contemplate the work of the small insects. Annoyed by this inquisitiveness, the bees resolved to put an end to it, and cemented the shutter with propolis. When this substance dried it was no longer possible to open the shutter. The bees were visible to nobody. Lighting up the nests.

The prurience and prudery which have poisoned sexual life in the past are alike rendered impossible. Nakedness has, however, a hygienic value, as well as a spiritual significance, far beyond its influences in allaying the natural inquisitiveness of the young or acting as a preventative of morbid emotion. It is an inspiration to adults who have long outgrown any youthful curiosities.

It was certainly a point in his favor that she took it off and gave it to him without demur. That meant that there would be time; yet her very docility frightened him. She seemed quite relaxed now that her head could lie back against the leather cushion, and her gaze traveled about the dingy littered room with a kind of tender inquisitiveness as if she were memorizing its contents.

Wot's all them glass jars for wid the green water and the tin in?" I explained to him as well as I could the construction of the gravity battery. He had been forbidden to monkey with any of the instruments or the switch board in the main office, but his infernal inquisitiveness soon ran away with his sense, and it wasn't long before he was in trouble.

'There is only one tree, there is only one fruit, in your mouth. Again she was some time silent. 'Is there? she said at last, with the same untouched calm. And then in a tone of whimsical inquisitiveness: 'What fruit, Rupert? 'The eternal apple, he replied in exasperation, hating his own metaphors. 'Yes, she said. There was a look of exhaustion about her. For some moments there was silence.

The women, like other females, are certainly less disposed to repress this feeling of inquisitiveness than the men; and one of their great sources of amusement, when Catharine was among them, was examining the difference of texture and colour of her skin and hair, and holding long consultations over them.

So with moral light: It is the most wholesome and rectifying, as well as the most revealing, thing in the world, provided it be genuine moral light; not the light of inquisitiveness, not the light of the man who likes to turn up ugly things, not the light of the man who disturbs what is corrupt for the mere sake of the sensation that he creates by disturbing it, but the moral light, the light of the man who discloses it in order that all the sweet influences of the world may go in and make it better.