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But if the philosopher inquires as to the general effect upon the national character in respect to the objections named, he must wait for a reply.

In an excellent story by a celebrated modern master there is a young lady who is declared to be clever and brilliant. Out of forty or fifty observations which she makes, the most extraordinary concerns her father; she says, 'Isn't dear papa delightful? At another time she inquires whether another gentleman is not also delightful. Hardy's resources are not so meagre as this.

The young lady who was most anxious to speak, here inquires, with an air of great commiseration, how his dear sister Harriet is to-day; to which the young gentleman, without the slightest consideration, replies with many thanks, that she is remarkably well. ‘Well, Mr.

He looks upon the wife of his bosom with anguish as he thinks of it. He gazes ruefully into his children's eyes; pretty innocents, they know naught of the impending blow. It is a Shadow, as Thackeray would have solemnly said, with Bulwerian impressiveness, which Pursues Him at Mid Day. It Awakens Him at Mid Night, and Says to Him, Sleep No More! What is it, do you ask? inquires Mr.

The visitor, rendered not altogether comfortable perhaps by this and other precedents, inquires very affectionately after Mr. Merrywinkle, but by so doing brings about no change of the subject; for Mr. Merrywinkle’s name is inseparably connected with his complaints, and his complaints are inseparably connected with Mrs. Merrywinkle’s; and when these are done with, Mrs.

Schemes for the improvement of some of the houses not snug little cribs like this, but the homes of people who are not so clever and able to take care of themselves as you and the supplying of more amusements in the evenings; entertainments, lectures " "Teetotal?" inquires Mr Gulching hoarsely. "Oh dear, no. I am sure Mr Inglethwaite would not wish to deprive any one of his glass of beer.

In that dissipated set, in the continual whirl of gaiety, people take the actors in their brilliant costumes as they find them, no one inquires whether a man can afford to make the figure he does, there is nothing in worse taste than inquiries as to ways and means. A man ought to renew his wealth perpetually, and as Nature does below the surface and out of sight.

The natural seediness of the parson excites suspicion, nevertheless he is scrupulous of his white cravat, and preserves withal a strictly clerical aspect. Our large planters hold it good policy to encourage the piety of their property." "You make a good thing of it?" inquires the Judge, jocosely.

"Will it be a win, think ye?" anxiously inquires Shock's mother. "It will hardly be that, I doubt. But, eh h, yon's the lad." "Down! down!" cries the 'Varsity captain. "Get off the man! Get off the man! Let him up, there!" But the McGill men are slow to move. "Get up!" roars Shock, picking them off and hurling them aside. "Get up, men! Get up!

For, when he had come into the smaller camp for the purpose of securing the works, he noticed that the hill in the possession of the enemy was stript of men, although, on the former days, it could scarcely be seen on account of the numbers on it. Being astonished, he inquires the reason of it from the deserters, a great number of whom flocked to him daily.