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Both were perfect products of that social order whose crowning grace and glory they were. Both were creatures trained to feel rather than think, whose very goodness was the result not of reason, but of emotion. And, above all, both were gentlewomen to the innermost cores of their natures.

Had he but suffered as I have, he, also, to weep would be fain. No one hath ruth on the smitten, for that he is doomed to endure But he who alike is afflicted and long in affliction hath lain My passion, my yearning, my sighing, my care and distraction end woe Are all for a loved one, whose dwelling is in my heart's innermost fane.

The love and tender feelings in the young plant are turned into vulgarity and coarseness through the stupidity of those surrounding it, so that everything fine and beautiful is either crushed altogether or hidden in the innermost depths, as a great sin, that dares not face the light.

He and his brethren wandered into every section of England, from the Northumbrian moorlands to the innermost depths of the Cornish mines, in the most tumultuous cities and in the most unfrequented hamlets. As he was the father of the sect, all appointments were made by him, and, as he deserved respect and influence, the same became unbounded.

But there were men of a more worldly type who only played the game of set purpose: the popular movement was to them only a road to success. Like the Norse pirates, they made rise of the rising tide to carry their ships up into the land: they aimed at reaching the innermost point of the great estuaries so as to be left snugly ensconced in the conquered cities when the sea fell back once more.

And so Methuselah placed their kings in iron fetters, while the remainder fled away and hid themselves in the innermost chambers and recesses of the ocean. And it is on account of the wonderful sword by means of which the demons were killed that he was called Methuselah. He was so pious a man that he composed two hundred and thirty parables in praise of God for every word he uttered.

Of the scraps of diary in his pocket he said nothing, some day, perhaps, when she had become used to happiness, and the cottage on the mountain was far away. But now of what use to drag out the innermost horror or add an awful query to her memory of her mother's death? The old man was gone let the past go with him. Desire listened silently. Sorrow she could not pretend.

There was a green table in it, and four or five deal chairs; a green garden seat also was there, which however had been removed into the innermost back corner of the excavation, as its hinder legs were somewhat at fault. A wall about two feet high ran along the face of it, guarding its occupants from the precipice.

The innermost satellite must have been formed when the planet was reduced to a circumference of 309,075 miles, and rotated in about forty-two hours and a half. From similar inferences, we find that the mass of the earth, at a certain point of time after it was thrown off from the sun, was no less than 482,000 miles in diameter, being sixty times what it has since shrunk to.

The third or innermost wall was the oldest, and encompassed the whole of the ancient city where it was open, including the hill Acra or Zion on the southeast, which was divided from Mount Moriah by the cleft known as the Tyropoeon, or cheese-market.