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"But doesn't it sometimes seem sad to think that after all this Moses will leave us to be gone so long?" "What do I care?" said Sally, tossing back her long hair as she brushed it, and then stopping to examine one of her eyelashes. "Sally dear, you often speak in that way," said Mara, "but really and seriously, you do yourself great injustice.

"The boy, Colonel, deeply felt that act of injustice, and the expression of it came home to the heart." "I have restored his father, however. The poor man and his family are once more happy. I have stocked their old farm for them; in! fact, they now enjoy comfort and independence." "I am glad, sir, that you have done them justice.

The question of suitable floor managers is really the comprehensive one, including almost every evil and every good that can come to the shop girl, whether in the East or West End. Here, as with us, the girl is absolutely in his power. He governs the whole system of fines, one uncomfortable but necessary feature of any large establishment, and injustice in these can have fullest possible play.

If one had to choose between being victim or tyrant, one would always choose to be victim: it is safer for the moral life and there is more recovery afterward. If, however, it is better to suffer injustice than to perpetrate it, better than either is to resist it, fight it and, if possible, overthrow it.

"It feels like Saturday " she said at last, " freedom, rest, plans, ambitions it has them all, and it has something deeper still in it it is like a section of a tree, in which history can be read, storms and winds and sunshine," for Pearl knew instinctively that it was a tower-room that Annie Gray had made for an armor for her soul, so it would not be pierced by the injustice and unkindness of the world.

Our sufferings, that morning, can be more easily imagined than described. Our hopes were all blasted, at a blow. The cruel injustice, the victorious crime, and the helplessness of innocence, led me to ask, in my ignorance and weakness "Where now is the God of justice and mercy? And why have these wicked men the power thus to trample upon our rights, and to insult our feelings?"

This charge has been fixed upon him, in spite of his solemn protestations against its injustice, and his earnest endeavours to reconcile his scheme of necessity with the free-agency and accountability of man. “I conceive,” says Hobbes, “that nothing taketh beginning from itself, but from the action of some other immediate agent without itself.

"I know, Leonora, that you love Louisa better than you love me; that's the injustice!" "If I did," replied Leonora, gravely, "it would be no injustice, if she deserved it better." "How can you compare Louisa to me!" exclaimed Cecilia, indignantly. Leonora made no answer; for she was really hurt at her friend's conduct. She walked on to join the rest of her companions.

Kitty, Kitty! he said, 'it is well that you are too young to feel these troubles! 'Papa! letter! cried Kitty, waving the unregarded letter in the triumph of discovery. 'The Reverend James Frost. It was the writing formed by his own copies, which he could not see without a sharp pang of self-reproach for cruel injustice and unkindness.

The prosecution in criminal matters is entrusted to the parquet, which is directed by a procurer-general; the investigation of crime is ordinarily conducted by the parquet, or by the police under its direction. Offences against irrigation laws, which were once of such frequent occurrence and the occasion of injustice and lawlessness, are now tried by special and summary administration tribunals.