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The symptoms then are mainly those of peripheral neuritis with blindness. Fatal Dose. About 6 drachms. Treatment. Wash out stomach; stimulants, artificial respiration, inhalation of oxygen, transfusion. It is used in perfumery, but is very poisonous when swallowed, or inhaled, or absorbed through skin. It is used in the manufacture of aniline dyes, and may act as an industrial poison.

Paulus took the beaker in his hand, inhaled the fragrance of the golden fluid, and then murmured, but without putting it to his lips, "That is not Syrian; it is Egyptian, I know it well. I should take it to be Mareotic." "So Sirona called it," cried Hermas, "and you know it by the mere smell! She said it was particularly good for the sick."

The moonlight flooded the room. Pressing her hands to her breast, she inhaled the first aromatic breath of the night air which cooled and caressed her hot face. "Is it better so?" she asked, turning around. He nodded. "It is better so." Then she stepped out on the balcony. She could scarcely drink her fill of air and moonlight. But she drew back, affrighted.

W , I regret to say, was not a good Oriental. He lacked the Semite's pliability. He was graceful, but not gracious. A consequence, doubtless, of having inhaled for some time past the rarefied atmosphere of the Chief, and swallowed a few pokers during the process, his manner towards me was freezingly non-committal worthy of the best Anglo-Saxon traditions.

An atrocious practice, the speaker called it a relic of barbarism a fetish of ignorance. Much preferable was a hygienic, stimulating cigarette which served the same purpose and left no deleterious aftereffects. The pajama-clad guest struck a light, inhaled with abundant satisfaction, and then cast a hungry eye over the contents of the rubber-tired breakfast table.

After a short and impressive pause, Chingachgook lighted a pipe whose bowl was curiously carved in one of the soft stones of the country, and whose stem was a tube of wood, and commenced smoking. When he had inhaled enough of the fragrance of the soothing weed, he passed the instrument into the hands of the scout.

It seemed that a new joy was come into her life, and on a sudden she felt a keen pleasure in all the beauty of the world. She turned to the great bowl of flowers which stood on a table by the chair in which she had been sitting, and burying her face in them, voluptuously inhaled their fragrance. She knew that he loved her still.

Thrusting her dagger into her waist-belt, and snatching up the brass tray, she swayed down the room, chanting some barbaric song in her husky Eastern voice. I inhaled deeply and glanced across at my companion. Beneath the make-up with which I had stained my skin, I knew that I had grown more than a little pale. "Fletcher!" I whispered, "we are on the eve of a great discovery that girl ..."

May the breaths of the spirit waft upon thee and upon such as have sought communion with thee, inhaled from thee the sweet fragrance of My presence, and hearkened unto that whereby the hearts of the true seekers are sanctified.

Paulus took the beaker in his hand, inhaled the fragrance of the golden fluid, and then murmured, but without putting it to his lips, "That is not Syrian; it is Egyptian, I know it well. I should take it to be Mareotic." "So Sirona called it," cried Hermas, "and you know it by the mere smell! She said it was particularly good for the sick."