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Possibly, with the exception of the historic debates two years earlier, between Lincoln and Douglas, the country has known no abler discussion of great questions. It was then for the first time that Ingersoll displayed the marvellous forensic powers that at a later day and upon a different arena gave him world-wide renown.

The seven marooned sailors looked and looked in all directions without seeing a single thing to wave at. "It's too bad," said Katherine. "Here's a fine opportunity for some likely young fisherman to make a hero of himself rescuing a band of shipwrecked lady fairs and winning their undying gratitude. Maybe we'd take up a collection and buy him an Ingersoll as a reward.

All my life I have been skeptical as to the verity of a life beyond the grave. In this I have differed widely from my people, a large majority of whom have been zealous Presbyterians for at least five generations, while I have followed Voltaire and Ingersoll. In the ranks of their following I have been content to cry: 'I don't know! I can wait!

There one afternoon in May as we marched about enjoying ourselves, we came upon Ingersoll Armour, not in the flesh, but in half a dozen studies hanging in the least conspicuous corner and quite the worst light in the room. 'Eh, what? said I, and Dora exclaimed: 'I SAY! 'Sent out from home, I said, ever the oracle. 'Not at all, replied Dora. 'Look, they are Indian subjects.

The old Court-house at Metamora is yet standing, a monument of the past; the county seat removed, it has long since fallen from its high estate. In my boyhood, I have more than once heard Mr. Lincoln at its bar, and later was a practitioner there myself and State's Attorney for the Circuit, when Mr. Ingersoll was attendant upon its courts.

As the recognized parliamentarian of the occasion with the proposed rules in safe keeping was in the van, upon the return to the court-room Ingersoll quietly proposed to his three untitled associates that, after the adoption of the resolutions, we should vote down Clark's motion to adjourn and thereby remain all night in session.

They see nothing like the ancients; no orators, poets or statesmen like those who have been dust for thousands of years. In a sermon on a certain evening, some time ago, the Rev. Dr. Magee of Albany, N. Y., stated that Colonel Ingersoll, referring to Jesus Christ, called him a "dirty little Jew." I denounce that as a dirty little lie.

Of course, we can't go to Africa and shoot lions and wart-hogs whatever they may be, and we can't fit out an Arctic exploration party and discover Ingersoll Land or Bush Inlet or Chapman's Passage, but we could have a mighty good time, I'd say, and, even if we didn't have many hair-breadth escapes, I'll bet it would beat chasing tennis balls and doing the Australian crawl and keeping our white shoes and trousers clean!"

Ingersoll a friend of the oppressed? He would render justice to the enslaved toiler by lengthening his hours of labor. A sham reformer, who would destroy the Inquisition of this day by plunging his spotless blade into an Inquisition whose sun has set, never to rise again.

Then we were all very glad about the varicose veins, and I am afraid I went out and boasted to my play-fellows about our family possessions. It was not so very long after, that there was a Big Meeting in the "timber." People came from all over the county to attend it. The chief speaker was a man by the name of Ingersoll, a colonel in the army, who was back home for just a day or two on furlough.