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The English have always had over the Irish the superiority of genius, wealth, and arms. The superiority which the whites have over the negroes." A note in a subsequent edition informs us, that the injurious expression "The superiority which the whites have over the negroes," was erased by Voltaire; and his editor subjoins his own opinion.

Nadir, his historian informs us, assembled the principal nobles and officers on the morning of the festival, and addressed them in the following terms: "Shah Tamasp and Shah Abbas were your kings, and the princes of their blood are the heirs to the throne. Choose one of them for your sovereign, or some other person whom you know to be great and virtuous.

Toddypestle informs me that I can't have anything without an order from the surgeon of my ward. Great heavens! where is he? and away I rush, up and down, here and there, till at last I find him, in a state of bliss over a complicated amputation, in the fourth story.

Now this national attitude, so far as history informs me, is unprecedented. The true-born son of Albion, save as an exceptional culture enlarges his soul, believes religiously that God is an Englishman, and that the interests of England precede those of the universe.

Tradition informs us as to the -tribus Claudia-, that it originated from the settlement of the Claudian clansmen on the Anio; and that the other districts of the earliest division originated in a similar manner is indicated quite as certainly by their names.

We marry him to a wife exactly like himself, and one day he comes home and informs her that an unlucky speculation has carried away their fortune, and he has resolved upon suicide. His wife, being a person "who, under any combination of circumstances, thinks, feels and acts" exactly as he does, raises no objection. "All right, my love.

Of the process in which the sap promotes the growth of the tree, the scientist informs us that it is extracted from the soil, and flows up through the pores of the wood of the tree, where it is deposited upon the fiber, and by a peculiar process of nature the albumen forms new cells, which in process of formation crowd and push out from the center, thus constituting the growth of the tree in all directions from center to circumference.

Collyer informs us, by the merit of his "Lectures on Scripture facts." It should have been "Lectures on 'Scriptural' Facts." What should we think of the grammarian, who, instead of 'Historical', should present us with "Lectures on 'History' Facts?" But Law Tracts? And is not 'Scripture' as often used semi-adjectively? Ib. p. 98. "Do you really believe," says Dr.

Slowly we are propelled round the lofty domed cavern, and are shown the little beach at its further extremity with its mysterious and unexplored flight of stone steps, down which, so our mariner informs us, the wicked Timberio used to descend from his villa at Damecuta, hundreds of feet overhead, to take a plunge in these enchanted waters.

We beg you will make use of us if there is any other matter in which we can do you pleasure, for we shall do it with that good will which your most rare gifts deserve. And keep well." Shortly before the fresco was finished, Vasari informs us that Michael Angelo had a bad fall from the scaffolding, and injured his leg.