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Their organization was quite informal, a common purpose held them together. Most of the people who have written to me to call themselves New Republicans are I find also Imperialists and Tariff Reformers, and I suppose that among the prominent political figures of to-day the nearest approach to my New Republicans is Lord Milner and the Socialist-Unionists of his group.

In the same period a smaller gang with John Washburn as its leading spirit and with Natchez as informal headquarters, was busy at burglary, highway and flatboat robbery, pocket picking and slave stealing.

Allie and me wa'n't exactly David and Jonathan, owing, I judge, to our informal introduction to each other.

The accessibility to his friends and clients of every grade was the pride of the Roman noble, and doubtless Gracchus would willingly have modelled his receptions on the informal pattern which sufficed the proudest patrician at the head of the largest clientele.

It is as though a gourmet's satisfaction in a good dinner were not complete unless he could prevent every one else from partaking of the food before them. What is really most needed in social gatherings is a kind of moderator of the talk, an informal president. Many people, as I have said, are quite capable of talking interestingly, if they get a lead.

"Let's talk about the picnic." It was arranged that they should have an informal one, and the next morning, after an uneventful night save that Grace awakened them all by declaring someone was coming aboard, when it proved to be only a frightened dog the next morning they started off again, leaving word with the dock watchman, who did boat repairing, that they would be back late that afternoon.

You are expected to dip a heavy white mug into the kettle for your share of the fragrant reviving beverage, cut off a hunk of cheese, and eat as many crackers as you can. It tasted well, that informal "free lunch." Finding after one or two trials that the interested parties raised rapidly on anything I desired. We now have everything but a second-hand pulpit, a wooden leg, and a coffin plate.

She stated, as the strongest reason why she had refused the hand of Louvier, her knowledge that she should in due time become a mother a fact concealed from Victor, secure that he would then urge her not to annul her informal marriage, but rather insist on the ceremonies that would render it valid.

I knew, in my youth, a French village far up among the Cevennes Mountains, where the one cultivated man of the place, saddened by the unlovely lives of the peasants around him and by the bare walls of the village school, organized evening classes for the boys. During these informal hours, he talked to them of literature and art and showed them his prints and paintings.

A somewhat similar problem confronts British administration in Egypt, where the difficulty of dealing with the agitation for national self- government is complicated by the fact that technically the British agent and consul-general is merely the informal adviser of the khedive, who is himself the viceroy of the Sultan of Turkey.