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We're here millions of us, working as hard as men do, earning our own way in the world, active, live intelligences, writing books, nursing in hospitals, cleaning the plague-spots out of the cities, influencing in a thousand ways the uplift of that coarser brute man and besides all this practicing a thousand acts of self-abnegation in the home.

This is evidently due to the fact that Israeli is unwittingly combining Aristotelian physics with Neo-Platonic emanationism. For Aristotle matter and form stand at the head of sublunar change and are ultimate. There is no derivation of matter or form from anything. The celestial world has a matter of its own, and is not the cause of the being of this one except as influencing its changes.

As to the old generals, some of them were no longer the hardy and simple warriors of the republic; honours, hard service, age, and the emperor particularly, had contributed to soften many of them down. Napoleon compelled them to adopt a luxurious style of living by his example and his orders; according to him, it was a means of influencing the multitude.

She was wakened by a lamp, and her darkness was all inflammable to it. 'Oh! Mr. Barmby, you have done me the honour to speak before; you know my answer, she said. 'You were then subject to an influence. A false, I may say wicked, sentiment upholding celibacy. 'My poor Louise? She never thought of influencing me. She has her views, I mine.

The Government neglects nothing which will aid in the ownership of public opinion at home and the influencing of neutrals throughout the world. A group of diplomats and newspaper correspondents were gathered at lunch in a German city early in the war, when one of the latter, an American, asked how a certain proposition which was being discussed would suit public opinion.

Benjamin was the greatest sufferer by his fall, and thus was rebuked for influencing him to treat religion with contempt. Benjamin immediately sought an interview with Governor Keith, and told him the result of his visit home, and gave his father's reasons for declining to assist him. "But since he will not set you up," said the Governor, "I will do it myself.

"Are you so confident of the grounds of your suspicions ... about ... about the motives that are influencing your daughter?" "They are not suspicions. They are certainties. At least, I am convinced and I am her mother that her chief motive in accepting your son was vitiated yes, vitiated! by a mistaken zeal for suppose we call it poetical justice.

Her beauty and captivating manners were such as to fascinate and enthral the least impressible who crossed her path, and their dangerous power was extensively employed in influencing the politics of Europe, and consequently had a large share in framing her own destiny.

Later he secretly meets the Pandavas and sends them wedding presents. Already, therefore, he is fulfilling a significant role. He is a powerful leader, a relative of the central figures and if only because the feud is not his own, he is above the conflict and to some extent capable of influencing its outcome. His next appearance brings him closer still to the Pandavas.

On the Sabbath before it, Archie took in the early morning a walk to the kirkyard at Pittendurie. He was going to bid Sophy a last farewell. Henceforward he must try and prevent her memory troubling his life and influencing his moods and motives. It was a cold, chilling morning, and the great immensity of the ocean spread away to the occult shores of the poles.