United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is fully 56 miles in diameter, and, though generally described as nearly circular, exhibits very distinctly under high powers a polygonal outline, approximating very closely to an equilateral hexagon. There are, however, two sections of the crest of the border on the N.E. which are inflected slightly towards the centre, a peculiarity already noticed in the case of Eratosthenes.

A smaller ring between it and Jacobi has considerably inflected the wall towards the interior. It has a conspicuous central mountain. ZACH. A massive formation, 46 miles in diameter, on the S. of Lilius, with prominently terraced walls, rising on the E. to 13,000 feet above the interior. A small ring-plain, whose wall stands 6000 feet above the floor, is associated with the N. border.

"Ah!" he said in his curiously inflected Oxford voice. And he held the scroll out to the heat of the fire. The vellum baked slowly, and as it baked, the black Chinese characters faded out and faint blue ones began to appear. Marquis read the secret message in his emotionless drawl: "'The American is destroyed, and his accursed work is destroyed with him. Send the news to Bangkok and west to Burma.

The words, as they flowed musically from the throat of the fair singer at the piano, were inflected with a subtle irony, which caused the frown to deepen upon the brow of the tall, scholarly, though somewhat morose-looking man who had entered the parlor soon after the singer had begun, and who, without glancing in her direction, had seated himself on one of the many luxurious chairs which strewed the room.

"Then, I shall touch him in the other leg and, if he still refuses, then, in the right arm and, then, if necessary, in the left arm; each time a trifle deeper." "And, then ?" she inflected, very sweetly. "Then?" he repeated. "I think there will be no need for a 'then, mademoiselle," he laughed sneeringly. She nodded toward me. "Isn't it about time to begin?" she asked.

Clephane will trust you with me," she inflected, flouting the other with a meaning look; which look flitted across the room to the Secretary and changed to one of interrogation as it met his eyes calm eyes and steady, and with never a trace of the interest that she knew was behind them, yet dared not show yet awhile. And Mrs.

But the old fiddle was unaccustomed to so vigorous a virtuoso, and its bridge fell with a bang. The Parson blurted an expletive, inflected like the profane. Then he straightened the bridge, gave the fiddle a tremendous saw, and resumed his bellow. But with the accident, his first tune had gone glimmering, and he dropped to another with the agility of an acrobat.

Beside her, in the crowd, a portly elderly Jew was standing with his hat in his hand, and when a man near him made some jeering comment, the Jew brought his hand down on his shoulder. "Be still and listen," he said. "Or else go away and allow others to listen. This is our country which calls." "It's amusing, isn't it?" Audrey heard a woman's voice near her, carefully inflected, slightly affected.

It begins with ease, rises gradually till the voice is inflected, then sinks again, and ends with a just cadency, And perhaps there is not a word in it, whole situation would be altered to an advantage. Let us now but shift the place of one word in the last member, and we shall spoil the beauty of the whole sentence.

"Enough, then, to say yes in it?" The black phantom shook its head. "My education, alas! has only proceeded to the N." Her speech was quaint, unhesitating, but oddly inflected. "I regret but I am not acquainted with the yes." A gay character for a masked ball!