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Also in the afternoon she discovered that the bliss of lying abed, which she had thought would be exhaustless, had inexplicably become transmitted into boredom. And yet she dared not move about, save with a caution that amounted almost to pain; for she had heard Jack and Mary and Mr.

He had a vague consciousness of not being much liked by his fellows in this part of the world; inexplicably enough, for he had done nothing to them. Envy, he supposed. People were always down on a clever chap who made no bones about his determination to get on. To do your duty and count on the gratitude of that brute Massy would be sheer folly. He was a bad lot. Unmanly! A vicious man! Bad! Bad!

It was a woman of the world to whom his passing displeasure had become a matter almost of indifference. "Chris," he said abruptly, "what is the matter with you, child? Are you bewitched?" That roused her. She suddenly realized that she was on dangerous ground, that to blind him she must recall the child who had vanished so inexplicably.

And all-unconsciously, in that moment she won a battle which she had deemed irrevocably lost. Mordaunt's hands fell from her, setting her free. "In Heaven's name," he said, "why didn't you go with him?" She did not understand his tone. It held neither anger nor contempt, and so quiet was it that she could still have fancied it almost indifferent. Yet, inexplicably, it cut her to the heart.

It was a nuisance to have this web of flesh wrapping about him, binding his limbs, hindering his efforts, stifling his breath. And then, as in the brain of a fevered and delirious man, this impression vanished as inexplicably as it had come. His ideas were perfectly independent of his will.

He drew a little nearer to her, still holding her hand. His grasp was firm and strong. "Really?" he said again. She stood in silence, for she could not give him any answer. He waited for a moment or two; then, "Stella," he said, "are you afraid of me?" She shook her head. Her lips had begun to tremble inexplicably. "No no," she said. "What then?"

Song of larks, and suddenly an unexpected booming of surf. Following the sound inexplicably loud, across the deeper black sandy soil, we got to the sea. Most strange against it, a fringe of marshy grass, of bulrushes! Far off the tower of Astura, and the faint Cape of Circe among mists. It began to rain. ANZIO, Easter.

It was a happy crowd and voices were conspicuously hoarse. When Madge entered the hotel parlor that evening she found her uncle with guests and among them was Burns Carroll. The presence of the handsome giant affected Madge more impellingly than ever before, yet in some inexplicably different way. She found herself trembling; she sensed a crisis in her feelings for this man and it frightened her.

On a previous visit of George Cannon's to Hornsey she had kept her bed throughout the day, afraid to meet him, ashamed to meet him, inexplicably convinced that to meet him would be a crime against filial piety. There were obscure grottoes in her soul which she had not had the courage to explore candidly.

Suddenly and inexplicably the longing surged over her to be caught to his breast and held there safe from all the tumult, the misery, the vain regrets, that tortured her quivering soul. But she could not tell him so, could not bring herself to pour out all the truth.