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When, not knowing this, he despatched another, this latter had promptly arrived, but its unintelligible allusions to lines in the lost forerunner were unpardonable for lack of that forerunner's light, and it contained especially one remark trivial enough which, because written in the irrepressible facetiousness so inborn in him, but taken, alas! in the ineradicable earnest so natural to her, had compelled her to reply in words which made her as they went, and him as they smote him, seem truly to have "aged three years in one."

First the bitter thought came to him that 'in all this Satan tells me I am doing it to be thought mortified and holy'; and then he was obsessed by the still bitterer feelings of ineradicable disappointment and regret.

In each instance I carried away with me an ineradicable impression of this quality of a grave and wearing responsibility borne quietly and simply, of a quiet courage that buries its own griefs and asks only to help. From the beginning of the war I had felt a keen interest in the Queen of England.

The demon, being an earth-dweller with the ineradicable objection of this class of creatures towards all the elements of moisture, at once relinquished its hold, and going direct to the part of the works indicated, it there awaited its victim with the design of resuming its discreditable persecution. Wong Ts'in had spoken with a double tongue.

It is possible that Augustus, at the intercession of Messala, restored the poet's patrimony. It was as much the fashion among the Augustan writers to affect a humble but contented poverty, as it had been among the libertines of the Caesarean age to pretend to sanctity of life another form of that unreality which, after all, is ineradicable from Latin poetry. Ovid is far more unaffected.

Every stone wall on the hillside is decked with this ineradicable plant-life, which springs up along the cracks afresh with new wreaths for every time of year. The worm-eaten gate gives into a little garden, a strip of turf, a few trees, and a wilderness of flowers and rose bushes a garden won from the rock on the highest terrace of all, with the dark, old balustrade along its edge.

He brought me the letters, and to me the case was simple from the start. I got the repair slips of a certain typewriter house, and compared them until I found a machine with a bent letter M knowing as I did that each machine has its own individuality as ineradicable and as inescapable as any personal handwriting.

His original attitude toward her, based on the treatment she had accorded to his friend who had loved her, had been one of plain censure and distrust, strengthened and intensified by that strong "partisan" feeling of one man for another fruit of the ineradicable sex antagonism which so often colours the judgments men pass on women and women on men.

But one look from that face, filled with petrified and ineradicable rage, showed her that any attempt to approach the old man and get him in a friendly frame of mind would be fruitless. On the way home she chanced to meet the actor Edmund Hahn. She had not seen him since she had been married. The actor seemed tremendously pleased to see her.

He had been allowed, in all probability, to try again; and he was succeeding at the second effort. This implied a reprieve of some seconds. Blanche looked back again at Arnold. "Consider yourself encouraged," she whispered; and instantly added, with the ineradicable female instinct of self-defense, "within limits!" Arnold made a last plunge straight to the bottom, this time.